Chapter Three

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Lloyd's POV -

Lloyd flicked on his earpiece, attempting to reach out to his friends. Nothing, only the sound of static greeted him. Don't lose hope yet! Maybe if he sent out a distress call to the monastery, they would know he was in trouble. He stopped and hesitated. Did he really want to be found . . . ?

He shook his head, shaking the feeling out of his mind. What am I saying? Of course I want to get out of here. Without another thought, he started the recording.

"Guys, it's me, Lloyd. I hope you will be able to get this," he said as quietly as he could. If he was spotted, everything would be lost and he would have no hope in getting home. "They discovered me and threw me in this cell. They knocked me out before I could even put up a fight. I was able to figure out who was in the mask though, and it's not good. It's Harumi, and I'm not sure what to do. I wasn't able to find out who the Crystal King is yet, but he must be connected to Harumi somehow."

The sound of loud footsteps forced Lloyd to look up, "They're coming." He quickly shut off the recording as Harumi and Pythor entered the room. Pythor, the last anacondrai in existence, was laughing silently to himself. Harumi was holding a tray with several small items. A large needle, a vile of purple liquid, and tweezers all laid atop the tray.

She set down the tray on a stone ledge and came face-to-face with Lloyd, her eyes slightly narrowed and her chin raised with confidence.

"What are you planning on doing with that equipment?" Lloyd asked slowly, though he felt as if he already knew the answer.

"Oh, it's simple, really," she remarked with a smile. "The pain will only last until the transformation is over." She walked back to the tray and got to work. She opened the vile filled with the purple substance and carefully used the tweezers to fill the needle with the liquid.

Lloyd's voice shook, ". . . transformation?" he backed up, eyes wide with fear, "what the fuck are you talking about?" He nearly never swore.

Pythor spoke up, "You fool. As you can see our little- organization is few in members. It would be quite useful to have a powerful Green Ninja fighting for us." he and Harumi exchanged a nod, "We have the ability to enhance your powers- for our sake."

"That, and one other thing," Harumi added as she walked towards the cell bars with the needle in her hand.

Lloyd pressed his back to the wall. His hands started to shake, "Stay back!"

Harumi raised her free arm and Lloyd was sent flying to the other end of the cell. His back hit the wall and he landed with a thud. He groaned in pain as he looked up to see that Harumi's hand was radiating some sort of purple flame

"You have powers?" Lloyd asked, still stunned from the contact with the wall.

Harumi only chuckled as she locked chains around his arms. She wrapped some rope around his body so he wasn't able to move. "You sound surprised. Jealous?"

Lloyd gritted his teeth as he struggled to break free. "Let me out!" he cried as Harumi started towards him with the needle in hand. "Don't touch me!"

A small prick to inject the liquid was all she needed for Lloyd to scream out in agony. He felt as if his skin underneath was on fire. He bit his arm to attempt to ease the pain as he toppled over. His arms and legs started to go numb and he wasn't able to move them. What is happening to me?

"What . . . what did you d-do to me?" he managed to choke out as he bit back another scream. He looked at his hand to see the tips of his fingers turning black. A dark pitch black he'd never seen before.

He turned over on his side, still chained up, and raised his head the slightest to meet Harumi. Her face showed only joy and satisfaction. Her eyes were dull and she had her arms crossed behind her back again. Pythor was there too, watching his agony with happiness and laughter. He could only hope that his friends would be here soon- if they even knew where he was.

"You are monsters," Lloyd spat.

Harumi narrowed her eyes, "No, Lloyd. You are."

The far corners of his eyes blurred to black. The last thing he heard was Pythor's villainous laugh echoing across the stone walls.

Ninjago Oni and Dragon // Part One // Villain Lloyd AU //Where stories live. Discover now