Chapter Ten

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Harmi Pov - 

After the Ninja had stormed in and saved Lloyd from her clutches, Harumi had felt distant. Was it regret or was it just anger that Lloyd had managed to slip away? No, her plans were not ruined. All she needed to do was find Lloyd again. Since it's so easy to manipulate and control him, she could continue her plans in a snap.

Harumi was standing in front of Lloyd's former cage. She was staring at the bars as she was trying to think up a plan. Her vengstone warriors were not ready for battle, so storming through the monastery was no good. Sneaking in herself sounded like the best option, but would she be able to get past the Ninja, re-capture Lloyd, and get out without anyone noticing? It was highly unlikely, though Harumi couldn't exactly think of anything else.

Struggling and the sound of movement outside the prison chambers caught her attention. She strained herself to listen to the voices that seemed to be growing louder.

Aspheera's voice rose up first, "The weak little guy didn't even put up a fight. It's clear he hasn't recovered from the last time he stayed here."

"Stop struggling, Ninja. Your fate has already been decided. Harumi will see you now," hissed King Vangelis.

"No! Let me go!"

Harumi's eyes widened. No way- is that . . . ?

The group outside made their way in. Pythor and Mr. F made their way in first. Behind them was Vangelis and Asheera who were holding Lloyd up by his arms. He had a nervous scowl on his face, though he wasn't really trying to break free.

"Ah, if it isn't the Green Ninja again," she said with her back turned. She whipped around and gave Lloyd a smile, "Welcome back. I see you're still too weak to fight back. Come on Lloyd, show us that beautiful green power you possess."

Lloyd tried to pull his arms away, but his captors were clearly stronger than him. Harumi let out a laugh. "Shut it! You have no use for me. My Master took away my powers, so your crazy corrupting madness won't work on me anymore."

"Is that so?" Harmi asked. She paused before saying; "Throw him in the cell."

Quickly locking the ninja in the cell, Harumi gave Lloyd a stare, "I have other ways to get what I want, you know." and with that, Harumui made her way out of the prison chambers.

[A/N] Sorry for yet another short chapter. I'm kinda trying to get things flowing again.

Ninjago Oni and Dragon // Part One // Villain Lloyd AU //Where stories live. Discover now