Chapter Two

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Kai's POV -

They stood there in silence, too shocked to say a thing. Kai's mind was swirling with worries and the unknown sent him shaky. He felt so much uncertainty that it was all too overwhelming. The Mechanic got away and now he was on his way to wherever Lloyd was now.

Kai paused. Lloyd.

Lloyd was in trouble and they couldn't do anything about it. He disappeared on Zane's tracker and now he was on his own. Kai almost knew things were not going to end well. What if they already found out Lloyd was undercover? He should have been the one to go, Lloyd could never handle this. They were bound to find out about Lloyd. He could have already been discovered by the Crystal King. He stared at his sweaty palms with wide eyes. FuckWe just sent Lloyd to a slaughter house.

Cole's voice broke the awful silence, "What are we going to do now?" his voice came off anxious.

"We go save Lloyd, of course!" exclaimed Kai with a determined stare. "He's in trouble, I can feel it. He hasn't been answering when we tried to contact him. I'm afraid they found out about him."

Kikian, the master of flight, and one of Kai's closest friends spoke up. "I agree with Kai. We can't leave Lloyd there if he could get seriously hurt!"

"Hold on," Zane said as he projected the map of Ninjago. "He went off the map. We do not know where he is."

Kai gripped his fists angrily, "We can't just sit here! We need to find Lloyd now." He started to pace the side of the train rail. How do we find him if he went off the map? He needs us, I know it. This was such a horrible idea. How could we ever do this to him? I wonder if he'll ever forgive us . . .

Kai raised his head to see Jay resting his hand on his shoulder. His freckled face parted in a soft, reassuring smile, "Don't worry Kai, we'll bring him home safe. Who knows, he might have already found out who the Crystal King is."

"And that creepy masked guy that's helping him," Cole added with a shudder.

Zane stepped up, though his expression looked hopeless, "I suggest we head back to the monastery and inform Master Wu and Pixal our situation. Maybe we could calculate a plan there."

"And Nya," added Jay.

They all gave each other a nod and turned to Kai for his response. Kai let out a defeated sigh and nodded his head as well. I haven't given up on you yet, Lloyd.

As they returned back to the monastery all was quiet. Only the soft clucking of the chicken was heard. Jay quickly rushed inside, checking each room and calling out Nya's name. He seemed so worried about her and desperate to see her. Is that what I look like when I'm worried about Lloyd?

"Let's check the hanger bay," Kai suggested to Jay. Without hesitation they headed for their secret underground base.

Once they arrived they were greeted with Nya, Pixel, and Master Wu. Jay and Nya ran into a hug while Wu quickly ran over to the others, worry fixed on his face.

"You're back! Is Lloyd alright? Where is he?" he asked all at once, clearly anxious about the whereabouts of his nephew.

Jay and Nya joined the group with frowns of worry. The rest of the ninja all lowered their heads in sorrow. They have absolutely no hope! Kai fiddled with his hands nervously. What are we going to do? We are wasting time standing here and doing nothing!

"We lost Lloyd on the tracker. We don't know if he's safe or not," Kai spoke up from the silence. "We need to hurry up and form a damn plan to save him!" he ran over to the large screen and started to push random levers and buttons. "Come on Zane! Pull up the tracker!"

Nya grabbed Kai's hands to stop his restless movements and stared deeply into his eyes, "You need to calm down, Kai. We will find him. We always have."

"I will connect to where Lloyd was before we lost the signal" Zane said, connecting himself to a computer.

Kai gave his sister a small nod as Zane connected his tracker. The map was shown and a small green dot was blinking slowly, then disappeared. They all looked at each other in sudden shock.

"That almost looks like . . . the old oni temple." Cole said with a shuddering voice.

Nya and Kikian gasped while the others looked up with surprised faces.

"Oh, no. He isn't safe there!" exclaimed Master Wu. "Kai was right, he's in serious trouble."

Kai stopped in his tracks. The old oni temple? What does that mean? His mind was now a swirling form of chaos. Was Garmadon back? Lloyd wouldn't be able to handle that! Who would make their base right below the temple? Come one Kai, think!

"We need to get there right away," Pixel said with urgency in her voice. "Though we should leave some of us behind in case Lloyd is able to come through."

"Me, Pixel, Jay and Cole can stay here, while Kai, Zane, Kikian and Nya will go find Lloyd," Master Wu instructed, giving a nod to the others. He sent his gaze back to the tracker and the small green dot that was still blinking and disappearing on an endless loop, "Oh, Lloyd. Please be alright."

A loud buzz made them all jump. Were they receiving a distress call from someone? They didn't have time to help anyone else at the moment. Zane pressed a button that let the message go through.

"Guys, It's me, Lloyd. I hope you will be able to get this."

Everyone was straining to listen. They all burst out joyfully in unison. Master Wu silenced them before the audio message continued. He's alive! Kai exclaimed

"They discovered me and threw me in this cell. They knocked me out before I could even put up a fight. I was able to figure out who was in the mask though, and-" The audio cut off to static and Lloyd's voice came off uneven, "Not sure - wasn't able to - they're coming -" the audio message left off with a large crash.

"That doesn't sound good," Nya said with a concerned tone. "We should get going now. He's not safe yet."

Ninjago Oni and Dragon // Part One // Villain Lloyd AU //Where stories live. Discover now