chapter twenty six

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I spent another night in the hospital and woke with a banging headache and quill slumped next to me. As I shifted and moved he groaned and dragged me on top of him, sending shivers up my spine.

He looked at me in sleep shrouded eyes, analyzing the contours and curves of my face and traced over them with a featherlight touch. His thumb dragged over my lips and eyelids and he kissed me so softly I felt I imagined it.

"You're so beautiful" he murmured as he crushed me against him, burying his face in my neck.

He never knew what his words meant to me. I knew I looked awful. Deep purple splotches littered my skin both old and new and there was barely an inch of my skin that felt like it hadn't been beaten with a baseball bat. The circles under my eyes rivaled a pandas and my hair hasn't been washed in days yet he saw something I never would. He saw beauty without a trace of mockery.

As the rest of the hospital woke up we moved with it. Nurses and doctors bustled in and out of the room, checking in on me and finally Dr Cullen walked in, clipboard and all.

Me and quill shot up as he walked in, me eager to hear the news and quill always on the guard from anyone and everyone. On instinct he lips beared a growl and he was shaking in my arms.

"Good new alissa, you can go home when your ready but unfortunately there is the question of where you will go. Your mothers is currently unfit to care for you and there seems to be no other family." my heart sunk at his words. I had no clue this had affected her this much. She was so good at hiding it but clearly she's broken down the second she could.

"Me. she can stay with me and my mum" quill piped up as he pulled me impossibly closer to his side.

" I can't do that to you guys not. Ill sort something out" i tried to reassure him but even i was doubtful of how convincing i was.

"I'll leave you guys to it, alissa, you can leave whenever the paperworks all gone through," dr cullen interjected before swiftly leaving.

Me and Quill began to get ready to leave. It was my first time properly leaving the bed and it was a real shock to my system. The pain in my thighs and stomach intensified my a million, burning through the meds I was pumped full of. I stumbled and gripped quills arms harder.

His eyes flashed with pain as he looked at me and took matters into my own hands. He swept me up and held me as if I was made of china, and I guess right now I was. He placed me in the wheelchair that lay next to the bed.

"You know i could have done that myself," i tried to insist to quil, despite the roaring pain scalding the inside of my body.

"Mhm sure you did baby". He rolled his eyes and his tone was sarcastic as he grinned down at me. I stuck my tongue at him as we dissolved into giggles and he pushed me out of the godforsaken hospital.

We pulled into the driveway of my house and was greeted by an empty driveway and an even emptier house. My mother had moved into a hotel in port angeles. She claimed it was because she couldn't be in the house but she wanted to be as far away from my father as she could. And don't get me wrong, I understood that more than anyone but I thought she might just stay. For me, to look out for me or even just be here when I get back. But it's ok, I've got Quil, the boys and emily.

Quil lifted me out of the car and handed me the crutches the hospital had given me. I hobbled into the house and pushed the door open.

The house was quiet. After only a few days dust had begun to coat the surfaces. There were fragments of glass that littered the floor and grim stains on the wall that I couldn't bear to look at.

I rushed us up the stairs while Quil moved silently behind me. He knew what he was looking at. We got to my room and sat down again.


"Leave it quil, please. We both know what it was, ok?"

The air was stiff and thick with the unspoken words. I didn't know what to say. I was so done with talking about it. I was drained. But I think he understood that.

Quill reached out and I felt his fingertips brush against my open palm. They creeped closer to my hand and he slowly interlocked our fingers. I knew it was his way of reassuring me that he was there for me. I rested my head on his shoulder, my way of showing I trusted him.

Once we remembered why we were there I moved on him and he stood up. I directed him around my room and he collected the items and objects I asked him to. We piled them into a bag and made our way downstairs and threw it into the back of the car and slid into the seats.

With one last squeeze of my hand we set off.

I was going to stay at sams and emilys.

A Quil Ateara love storyWhere stories live. Discover now