chapter fourteen

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I woke up with rain hammering against my window and the skies cast an inky black. My head filled with the memories from last night, my fathers rage and my fear but also quill and his sweetness, our first kiss, everything and i swear that made it ok.

I stood up out of bed, shivering in the cold of my room. I looked over and I realized Quil had left my window open. I groaned and moved to shut it before I pulled a hoodie over my clothes from yesterday.

I crept through the hallway to have a shower and was met with my mother looking at me, eyes dazed with sleep and concern but I couldn't face her questions. I began to back away from her, retreating to my room but her hand flew out for me to stop and I froze in my tracks.

Her hands held mine as he looked at me, imploringly. Her brown eyes swam with an emotion I couldn't quite recognise but it hurt to look at her. She was thinner since the last time I had seen her, her collar bone jutting through her skin and her cheeks were sunk and hollow as her sickly pale skin stretched over her cheekbones. She cleared her throat and her voice was hoarse as she spoke.

" Are you ok, did he hurt you last night, where were you, where are you safe, what happened-" she rushed out but i just couldn't do it right now. I swept her into a tight hug and she clutched onto me, as if trying to hold me together. As I pulled away from her I flashed a small smile before running to get ready.

I pulled on my dark jeans and a white cami vest top, with a gray zip up hoodie and some doc martens. Pleased with my outfit, I grabbed my bag and an umbrella before leaving the house. I arrived at school and met Bella in our first period of American history and she seemed better now she had Jacob back. The second I sat down she gushed to me about what they had done over the weekend and how amazing he is and I was genuinely pleased for her. She had lost her vacant look and seemed happier and that warmed my heart.


It was only just the end of first period and I already wanted to go home so I begrudgingly went to my locker to swap some books around. As I was standing there warm hands wrapped around my eyes and a low voice spoke.

"Guess who?" his voice murmured, breath tickling my ear. I spun around and hugged him tight and he lifted me up so he could spin me around as I giggled madly. Once my feet were on the ground I looked up to him and my breath caught. He was truly beautiful. His skin glowed even under the fluorescent lights of the hallway, his eyes a rich brown that warmed me up from the inside. His hair fell across his head in a mess of black curls that reached around his defined cheekbones. It was only then I realized he was in my school, at 9:00 am on a Monday morning.

"What the hell are you doing here, aren't you meant to be in school,'' I asked, voice high with curiosity.

"Nah it's cool, because we're all always leaving for patrol, Jake's dad Billy talked to the school and we can essentially sign out whenever. However, the time we are taking you with us,' he told me as he held out his hand for me to take, heading towards the exit.

"I cant just leave, if i ask them to sign me out they will just tel me to go back to lesson as i have no reaso to leave, plus my dad would murder me'" i tld him insitently.

"Already taken care of, now lets gooo," he grabbed my hand and we half ran to the gates.

"What do you mean, quill."

" it means, because your still knew they haven't set up any emergency contacts so jared was able to come down and say he was your uncle and had to take you to a doctors appointment and due to the phasing, he looks pretty much like an adults if you didn't know him so it's all good. Your dad will never know and techniques we can come get you from school now. So all good"

A Quil Ateara love storyWhere stories live. Discover now