chapter sixteen

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I woke up to the sunrise casting silvery light into the small room. It took me a minute to remember all that had happened but when it came crashing down on me I sighed in relief that I was safe and so was Bella, despite my raging feelings towards the girl in question.

I tried to push myself up in the bed but a heavy constraint on my waist pinned me to the bed and I flopped back down, turning to look at the face of the boy next to me. His curly hair fell gently over his forehead and his mouth was parted slightly as his bare chest rose slowly. His tan skin caught the light and I marveled at his beauty.

I tried once again to stealth out of his grip but at my movements he pulled me tighter to his chest and buried his head in my neck. " No please, just stay a little while longer," he mumbled sleepily in my ear, his voice rough and raspy with sleep.

I nestled closer into his hold in response and curled into him, slowly brushing my hands through his curls as he lay small kisses on my throat and jawline occasionally. After a while I knew we had to talk about the previous day and so did he. So this time he didn't protest when I sat up, but sat up with me until we were sitting cross-legged on his bed, facing one another.

I wanted to get straight to it.

"Yesterday bella came to me and asked if i wanted to go cliff diving," at these words his eyes flew to mine and i couldn't quite read the emotion in them, " she said she needed to go and i agreed, on the conditions that we wouldn't do it if it was too stormy and by the time we got there i knew it was so i tried to go back but she wouldn't listen and started to take off her coat and shoes," i paused to take a deep breath. " and then she jumped and i waited for her to surface but she didn't and i don't know what else to do so i went in after her and i am so so sorry for scaring you like that and i am so so grateful that you saved because i don't even want to think about what would have happened if you weren't an-'' he cut me off as my voice got thick and i felt a lump in my throat.

"I believe you and I am so happy you're ok but you can't ever do anything like that again, ever. I really thought I lost you, you weren't breathing. It was the worst moment of my life, i was terrified that i wouldn't ever get to see you, hear your voice and your laugh and look into your eyes again," he looked at me as if i was the most beautiful thing in the world and it warmed more than anything.

''I know and I'm sorry, so sorry, please forgive me". I rested my hands on his face and looked at him, imploringly.

He rolls his eyes and his eyes crinkle with a smirk. " how could i not with that doe eyed look on your face". He scoops me up and attacks my face with kisses as I squirm and shriek with laughter.


Once we dragged ourselves out of bed we wandered into the kitchen and I offered to make breakfast, cracking open eggs for scrambled eggs and setting aside bacon to fry later. As I reached for the mugs in a cupboard above the stove, a long, muscled arm reached over my head and set them down.

"I could have done it, you know" I huffed, rolling my eyes.

"Of course you could baby" he murmured sarcastically before doging my hit with a dishcloth, chuckling to himself.

As I cooked, I turned to quill and asked about what happened after he left me at his house and shifted into the woods. At my words his eyes clouded over and he shifted in his seat.

" Well we went and tried to comfort the clearwaters. Leah fled into the woods but one of us was always tracking her and she was distraught, but Seth was just sitting there and I don't know if you ever met him but he was the happiest little kid. I swear he could smile and you would feel better but he just sat there, emotionless but still there with his mum trying to comfort her, it just about broke my heart," he trailed off and looked down, clenching his fist on the table.

I walked up and held him tight, stroking his hair as he took deep breaths and tried to hold himself together but broke slightly under the burden he was forced to carry.

After a couple of minutes he cleared his throat and mumbled something about putting a shirt on and getting me a hoodie, just as I started plating up the food.

I heard footsteps leading into the kitchen and started to turn around calling out to quill that breakfast was ready but it's not him that stood in the doorway but a lady with tan skin, curly hair stretching past her shoulders and eyes that were just like quills.

A Quil Ateara love storyWhere stories live. Discover now