Mile's Perspective

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Skylar and I spent a lot of time chatting on the boat. She's a nice girl with a good personality. I can see why Gray has feelings for her. I've never really been close to anyone other than Gray before. That's about to change.

She told me about her school and her job and stuff like that. I told her about how I had spent most of my life just following Gray's orders. I took care of the village as he spent time in the other town.

I didn't really have plans before, but now I'm considering them. I could join a school and start studying. I could just explore and have fun. Or, I could just stay with Skylar and see what she does. The possibilities feel infinite.

The sky soon darkened. I told Skylar to go and sleep while I watched the boat.

"Yeah, I'm kind of tired. I'll see you tomorrow morning then, Miles." She yawned and then left.

I like steering boats. It's calm and quiet. I like being on my own like this when it's dark all around me. The feeling is out of this world. You wouldn't understand until you tried.

At first, I didn't like it. I was forced to by Gray. Though, as the years went by, I grew to love it. Now, I can't imagine my life without steering the boat.

I smiled all night long. I sang quietly as I steered gently. The tranquil waves below me became the beat to my song. I don't need to sleep tonight. This is my way of resting.

How could I sleep? There's no way I could since there's way too much to be excited about. I'm about to explore a new kind of life. And I love exploring.

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