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"OW!" Gray yelled as I threw a hard punch to his face. His grip must have loosened because Miles broke free.

"It's two against one." I stated. "You may as well surrender peacefully. Or you might end up being beaten up and forced to. We'd like to avoid that."

Gray grinned evily. "I don't give up without a fight." As I took quick steps backwards, he hastily advanced towards me.

His push caused me to almost loose balance. Yet, I stayed upright and kicked his legs hard. I watched him grimace as he stopped for a second.

Miles attacked Gray from behind. I took the opportunity to catch my breath as I watched. I closed my eyes for just a second, and when I opened them again, Gray had thrown Miles onto the ground like he was a shirt or something.

What the hell.

We all kept attacking each other and fighting. I felt as though it would go on forever. Eventually, I even forgot why we were all fighting in the first place.

It was draining my energy quickly. We were all breathing heavily, testing who's stamina would conquer.

I was having enough of all this. In a swift movement, I grabbed Gray's hair and forced him onto the ground. I slammed my foot hard onto his stomach and he yelled.

"Just give up already." I begged.

"N... N-no." Gray breathed out, struggling.

"Then you give me no choice." Miles said as he kicked Gray on the head. He kept kicking. Again and again.

Eventually, Gray surrendered. "You both win. Just stop." He moaned.

Miles and I stopped. We got down to make sure he was alright. Then, we helped him up.

"Sorry," I began.

"Sorry," The other two repeated.

For a moment, we were silent. Then, we all burst out laughing.

Later, I got another notification. When I checked, it was from my mom.

It read : "Hey, Skylar. You read my message earlier but you didn't reply. I guess that means you aren't coming home then."

It made my heart ache in my chest. I was planning to reply, but had forgotten to. In the process, I must have hurt her feelings.

I quickly typed : "Hey mom. It's super nice to hear from you. I'm so sorry. I was going to reply, but I was really busy and I ended up forgetting. I'm quite far from home at the moment. I'll still come home soon though. Hopefully by tomorrow or the day after."

I sent it.

I then looked up to see Gray and Miles glaring at each other, as if having another fight with their eyes.

"When are we leaving?" I asked without any hesitation.

The two looked at each other again, this time in an uncomfortable sort of way.

"I... Nevermind. It all depends on when you want to leave." Gray said softly.

I smiled at both of them, annoyed with myself for making them uncomfortable.

"Let's all do something fun before I go!" I suggested.

"Yeah!" The two agreed.

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