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"I swear it didn't take us this long to get there last time." Gray complained, annoyed.

"Mm" Miles agreed with him.

There was something going on between the two of them that I wasn't aware of. There had to be. "You've both been there before?" I asked curiously.

They both stared at me for a moment before they replied.

"Yeah." Said Gray.

"Well, we have... But..." Miles began, but Gray pushed his shoulder hard, making him stop. "Nothing important." He mumbled.

"Ok." I was trying to comprehend our current situation. "What will we do when we reach there?"

They both looked up to the sky in unison. It's funny how they did it.

"Good question." Replied Gray. "I have no idea." He laughed gently.

"Don't worry about it. We've done this before, and we just figure it out. Go with the flow, and stuff like that." Miles said.

"You guys keep talking about doing this before. Can you tell me more?" I mentioned.

Miles looked as though he had a lot to say. It was written on his expression. However, a push from Gray shut him up before he even began.

Gray took over. "Suspense. That's what it is. We won't tell you just yet because that spoils the surprise."

Miles took a step closer to me and whispered, "He's so damn childish. Ignore him. It's not that suspenseful or anything. He's just making a mountain from a mole hill."

Gray sighed and said that he heard him. We all kept talking for some more time, as Miles kept steering the boat. Evenually, we can see land.

"Ah, finally," The two chorused, leaning on the edge of the boat to get a closer look.

It took a few more moments before the boat hit the edge of the ground. We all jumped off and waited for Miles to tie the ship securely.

"Now." Gray began. "We ought to go in." He walked ahead. "There are some houses up ahead. The people who live here are really nice. They spend their days in nature, helping others and enjoying themselves.

There were a lot of trees around here. Miles and I followed, walking behind Gray. After a few moments, the trees cleared and there were some houses as Gray described.

There were also some people. They seemed happy.

Gray seemed quite popular. Everyone greeted him and smiled. He waved at everyone as he kept walking. No one seemed to acknowledge either Miles or me.

"I got to get the keys from Robin. Show Skylar around for me. I'll be back by the evening." Gray told Miles.

"That's how long it'll take you?" I asked.

"I've got some errands to run afterwards. I'll meet you guys back here if that's ok."

"Yeah, don't worry." Miles told Gray.

"Take care then. And don't tell her, ok?" Gray added quickly before smiling and running off into the distance.

"Don't tell me what?" I asked.

"I'll tell you, in a moment." Miles whispered. "I guess I'll show you around first."

"Ok then."

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