12. The truth untold

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Daneen's P. O. V

The day was going as usual, exhausting , day packed with meetings.

I was currently in my cabin it was
7: 30 PM, Zahra was with Zeeshaan . I don't know, man he convinced alot to take care of her for a day. So, yeah.

I trusted him as a father cause I knew he won't harm her but I didn't trust him as a husband. The trust long gone. No love, no hatred, No feelings for that man. If I wanted I can literally handle him over to police but I didn't, to not make any more fuss.

I called him, cause it was late and I wanted my baby back now.


The number that you are trying to connect is currently switched off at the moment. Please try again or later at sometime.

He didn't pick up the call . I was feeling kinda uneasy, knots were forming in my chest . Thinking about my Daughter what if any mishap had took place. Fuck, I don't even have his address. I'm literally not leaving this Zeeshaan guy.

I quickly called, my private investigator and detective Rodrigo.
I was tensely pacing out in my office cabin.

After 1 hour which felt like years, my phone buzzed as Rodrigo called. I picked up the phone.

(Rodrigo as R and Daneen as D)

D: Hello! Did you find anything?!?!?

R: Yes, mam we got the location of the place where that man is with your daughter. Just a sec I'm send you the location!

D: Thank you so much! I owe you alot.

R: No problem mam, it's my job. And yeah, do you want me to call cops or something??

D: No no, I'll handle it by myself. Thanxs again.

I hunged up the call. I went towards my desk, and opened the drawer which was in the lower section of the tables.
It had a suitcase, I opened it , it had a handgun , with bullets and a silencer .

I loaded it and hid it in my blazer hidden pocket, where it was impossible for someone to make out that I'm carrying something.

Yes , I had a gun license.
After grabbing my car keys , I ran downstairs.

I got inside my black Ferrari V12 and started the engine it produced a throaty rumble. Then I drove of to the location that Rodrigo send me.

After like one hour of driving I reached a place which was an old mansions built in a large area. As I got inside I called , if anyone is there or not.

But after sometimes I saw a lady whom I hated the most walked out carrying my baby. Then a man came out holding Zeeshaan like a rag doll, his hands were tied backwards and he had a tape upon his mouth. I kinda felt some pleasure by looking him in that way. Soon my trance was broken by my baby as she started wailing loudly.

"Hey give me my baby back " I gritted my teeth in anger and walked towards her. But she stepped backwards. She hand an evil smirk.

"Dare to take one step forward and you will face the consequences " She said evily.

The lady was no other than Sara.

"Bitch, return my baby back" I went towards her and snatched my baby from her and slapped her. Her eyes were now red in anger.

"How dare you? " She said and called out someone , then a man came out and snatched my baby from me and gave it to Sara.
Now a gun was pointed in my head. And he had a strong grip in my hands.

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