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It's Sunday 8:09 pm. You know I usually have a great time at slumber parties with Leah, and we did have a good time, but after what happened at Brandon's, my mind never got over it. I tried making the best of the night with Leah until she left in the  afternoon to another city, but my mind of course was off.

Last night Leah had the genius idea to sneak onto Brandon's property and check his house out. It's mainly due to the fact that I don't know anything about him. We might of known each other our whole lives but I never truly wanted to know the real Brandon until now.

He knows everything about me, literally. He reads me like an open book, but me to him? I can't even tell you what his favorite color is because I don't know. I know the stupid little things that don't matter because it's only like 3 things. He never speaks about his personal life and every time I ask he makes sure that it's not a conversation.

When I stepped onto his filthy rich property Leah and I were shocked. It seemed absolutely insane that just behind those walls was a enormous brick mansion with a massive front lawn and luxurious old fashion cars. I can only imagine what the inside is like.

Leah and I found an open window and stayed there wanting to listen and see what's going on. That was when every question in my mind multiplied and turned into a bigger question mark.

We couldn't see much of the inside but we saw a long brown haired girl that had a small bow tied to the back of her hair. She wore a white dress and played the piano beautifully. Her playing captured our attention but it immediately changed to the yelling of what I assume is Brandon's father and him. I don't have a clue why they were fighting but it seemed horrible. His father slapped him, and it sounded like the kind of slap that left a mark and a stinging sensation.

I felt my whole heart body and soul drop. All I wanted to do was rush in there and hug him, I couldn't. I then saw him in a grey suit, sitting next to the girl on the piano. He began playing, it was even more beautiful then the girl. He played it louder and louder each time and faster. It was like he was taking out all of his emotions through the piano. It was so astonishing. Things got twisted after he stopped playing the piano. The girl asked him when she was allowed to go out like him. I don't know why she asked that? Or if she's being forced to stay inside or something, but it made me want to leave. It seemed wrong to just stand there listening to his messed up family.

Now I just lay here writing in the journal, that made me realize how much I don't know him. He's like a stranger.

        I wasn't lying when I wrote I was laying in bed. I truly was just laying there staring at the blank ceiling thinking about everything. I couldn't stop thinking it was like if the whole situation was being pictured in my mind and picked apart to know every little detail.

      I felt Tom getting up from my bed and walk to the window sill. The moon and stars were shining brightly through my window. I stared for a bit but then back at the ceiling.

       "Knock knock" Brandon's voice broke the silence in my room. When I sat up  to look at him, he held white baby's breath Gypsophila flowers and a cheeky grin on his face. I couldn't help but just smile softly and open my arms welcoming him. He didn't hesitate to sit down next to me and hug me tightly. "I missed you" he whispered.

       "I missed you too" I meant it. I haven't physically seen him in almost a week. He broke the hug and placed his left hand on my jaw, giving me a hungry passionate kiss. It was so infectious and deadly that it made me just want more and more.

        I laid down feeling him continue to kiss my lips, my hands wandered to his back pulling him closer to me. Softly his tongue glazed my bottom lip signaling me to let me open my mouth to fully make out but the big question banged in my mind like a cement block.

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