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      I sat at my window staring down at the drive way, waiting for Leah. The sun was already setting and the summer heat was going down. There was already a nice summer breeze coming in and the town was settling down after a long hot day.

Leah is in town for about two days before she goes off to see her other Texas friends, she moves around quite a lot during the summer. As I waited to hear the engine of the car pull up to the drive way, I looked over at Brandon's house.

Honestly you couldn't see much, there was a massive wall of neatly cut bushes in front of the house, but even then behind that gate there was just land and it continued. His house was very different from everyone else's in the whole town. Nothing like it. It was gated and big. All I know from gossip, is that a lot of land was sold and the house had to be rebuilt. Right as you stare at the gate for the cars to enter you can see the front door straight ahead but that's it. You can't see anything else just neat green bushes.

I truly never see anyone leave or enter the house, I mean Brandon doesn't even talk about his family to me. I've met his mom once ever and that's because our family invited his family to dinner and well she only she came over. I truly never cared about his family or him before, but now that I have certain feelings for him and want to know him as well as he knows me, I want to know his family and his stories, likes, dislikes.

All I truly know about that man is that he's working for his family and he does architecture work. That's it. Maybe all the small things too like he likes music and hates radish, but what else? What does his family do? What does he do? Billions of questions swarm my mind just thinking about him. He's a full on question mark. He never talks to me, he never wants to at least.

Thankfully before my mind turned upside down with the gazzilion questions, I saw Leah arrive in her convertible. If I could jump through a window without hurting myself I would but the best choice here is practically sprinting to the door...and I did.

"Quick runnin' Tiff, you're gonna get hurt" my mom yelled from the kitchen as I opened the door to see my best friend in the whole wide world. Her beautiful blue eyes were bright and full of happiness along with her smile. I wrapped my arms tightly around her and her around me. She's home.

"God I missed you" I mumbled still squeezing her.

"Me too Tiff, but you're killing the oxygen in my lungs" immediately I released her and giggled softly.

"Come on I have so much to tell you" Grabbing her hand I dragged her up the stairs running until I got into my room. We both laughed softly and shut the door loudly.

"What's so urgent?" Her curious smile spread across her face and her eyes squinted trying to figure out my next words.

"You promise not to tell anyone until further notice, this is a very big secret"I put out my pinky, I felt her wrap hers around mine and nod.

"Brandon and I are together,"she screamed. Quickly I threw a pillow in her face shutting her up.

"What?! Come again?!" She furrowed her eyebrows not understanding, I mean she wasn't wrong. I hated him.

"He's-god-something changed. He changed. He calls me perfect and kisses me like if each kiss is our last, he makes me giggle and feel things that I don't feel with anyone else. He looks at me like I'm the only girl in the world and listens to me and -god I don't know, he does such little things that impact me so much and make me feel so happy with him." Leah grinned softly as she stared at me rambling about Brandon. I couldn't stop talking about him.

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