Chapter 9

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We searched all over the castle but couldn't find Ben or Audrey anywhere. So now we're following Dude all over the castle but we're not even close to finding him. My eyes caught sight of some claw marks on the wall. "Any chance these were already here?" Carlos asked Mal. Mal started calling Ben's name again. We were entering a room with a bunch of knights when Evie told Celia to stay at the entrance. What you scared I'm going to hurt a VK. I went over the HArr and kissed him for fun when we felt someone watching. "We feel you lurking," Harry says to Jay. "Good." I rolled my eyes and went over to Uma who was fighting with Mal. They continued arguing when harry said. "I believe we're being challenged." I noticed it too. "You want a Prince Mal well how about the knight in shiny armour. Or knights."

Mal // Uma // Gabby //  Everyone // Evie

Watch your back, watch your back
Watch your back, watch your back
We can counter their attack
Hit 'em 'til the armour cracks

This could get a little sticky
How to win this battle could be tricky
But I know the best way
Fall back let me lead, you hold the line
And we'll bring them to their knees

Swords in the air if you're with me
They got us outnumbered one to fifty
But victory is ours
'Cause I got a strategy, you take the left
And the rest of you can follow me (uh-uh)

This is my crew
Well this is my squad
This is my turf
Oh my gosh, look guys
We've got bigger fish to fry
Put your differences aside
'Cause right now we're on the same side
Until the night falls, everyone

We'll stay together 'til the battle is done
Watch your back, watch your back
Watch your back, watch your back
We can counter their attack
Hit 'em 'til the armour cracks

Until the night falls, we're aligned
It doesn't mean that we're on the same side

Watch your back, watch your back
Watch your back, watch your back
Hit 'em hard and hit 'em fast
They're too heavy to react

This situation's getting kinda heavy
Hold your weapons tight keep 'em steady
'Cause if we stick together we can make it out alive
I'll cause a distraction, you attack them from the side

All my soldiers stand at the ready
We can cut 'em up like confetti
We'll hit 'em from the front, you counter from behind
Don't forget the fate of Auradon's on the line

This is an all-out war, they got us outnumbered
The way the swords clash is the sound of the thunder

And we are not going under, we will never run for cover

We battle for victory and ride for each otherUntil the night falls everyone
We'll stay together 'til the battle is done
Back to back, back to back
Back to back, back to back
We can counter their attack
Hit 'em 'til the armour cracks
Until the night falls, we're aligned
It doesn't mean that we're on the same side
Back to back, back to back
Back to back, back to back
Hit 'em hard and hit 'em fast
They're too heavy to react

Suit of armour strong and true
Make this metal bust a move!

Until the night falls, you can trust
I'm gonna help you win this battle because
I got your back, got your back
Got your back, got your back
All for one and that's a fact
Nightfall pitch black

"Yes,"  I shouted as the Knights fell to the floor in defeat. I was about to hug Carlos when I realised what I was doing. I awkwardly walked backwards to Harry and Gil. I kissed Harry and hugged Gil. "No, no. Guys come on. This was so great! We were a team. We worked together Come on." Evie tried to get Uma and Mal to high-five but they both shook her off. "You know what we should try. An ice-breaker." I raised my eyebrows at the blue-haired girl in front of me. "No pun intended sorry Gabrielle. So how about I go first then. You say something you like about the other person." She then looked around at the four of us pirates. "Harry. Great accent." I growled and pulled harry closer to me. I don't care that I'm a jealous person. But I know I 100% am one. "Is she always this perky?" Uma asked pulling the attention away from us. I leaned up and kissed Harry. He silently chuckled. "Jealous?" He whispered. "Yes." I didn't deny it. "Oh it wasn't your turn but thank you," Evie said to Uma. "Okay Evie I love you-" Mal was cut off by Evie. "I love you too." "And I love this energy but we are running out of time Audrey knows we're here so we need to get out now." Mal continued. "Where does she bunk up. I mean she might not be there but we might at least find a clue." "She's still in the dorms because of summer school," Evie said. "Summer school. No wonder she wants revenge." Harry laughed. "Okay anyway, you boys go and find ben while us girls go to the dorms. We meet back at Evie's in two hours." Mal told everyone. "So my plan," Uma said. "Well, it was the obvious one." Mal tried to defend herself. "So Uma's plan," I said and walked out. 

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