Chapter 3

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I was halfway through my shift when Mal entered the shop. "I'm back." She sang kicking open the gate. "Loser table of one," Uma said directing her to the closest table. I kicked a chair at her but she caught it just in time I smirked at her. "Place still stinks." She said sitting down. "Oh, I'm sorry we're down a waiter today, princess," I growled at her. "Where is he?" She asked getting straight to the point. "You know I've dreamed of this day. You wanting something from me." Uma laughed. "I'm flattered you dream of me I haven't given you a thought since I left." She snarled at Uma. "You've got the perfect little life." "Doesn't she have the perfect little life?" I called to the pirates around us and they started laughing. "And we're twenty years into a garbage strike." "Listen if you have some type of score to settle with me, game on. I see no point in bringing Ben into this." She complained. "Oh it might be a little unnecessary but it's so much fun." I laughed at Uma's comment it was fun. "Here's the deal." "Like your mother always a catch," I glared at the girl in front of my best friend and captain. Uma ignored her and sat on the chair across from her holding up her arm. "If you win we let Ben go," Uma smirked. Mal took her hand about to start arm wrestling. "Don't you want to know what we get if we win?" I chuckled at her. "Still dreaming," she shot back. "3... 2... 1..." they started. "You know that whole princess act, never brought it for a second. You can stick a tiara on a villain but you are still a villain. "And you could put a pirate's hat on but you're still shrimpy." Uma lost balance for a second. "If I win, you give us the wand," Mal stumbled and Uma pinned her arm down. I cheered with the rest of the crew. "Now if you want beastly boy back, bring us the wand at noon sharp. Oh, and if you blab you can kiss your baby goodbye." I snarled. She left the shop and I continued to work with Uma. By 10 pm that night I was yawning half asleep on the counter. "You've been up for almost 48 hours Gab. Go to bed I'll see you at 9 tomorrow." Uma said and Harry backed her up. "When did you get here?" I asked him slightly confused. "Like 10 minutes ago. Come on I'll walk you home." He said and took my arm. "Not mad anymore I see," I grinned while we walked. "Not freezing me anymore I see." He mocked me. "Nah, I haven't decided yet." I grinned. "Goodnight Harry," I said then kissed him on the cheek. I then flew up to my opened window and climbed through. 

I was having fun annoying king Ben when I heard a voice call my name. I rolled my eyes and followed Harry into his room. As I walked in I noticed him lock the door. Something was up. He pushed me against the bed. "I know you want me." He whispered in my ear. My heart beat fastened. This could not be happening. "Get away from me," I growled at him. "You're a terrible liar you know." I thought around for an answer for that without stuttering. "You told me you don't like me. Well, you are a liar. Cause you do. Whether you like it or not." Then he started kissing me. It was hot. He was hot. He was the fire to my ice. The next thing I knew I was kissing back. Just as I was being pushed back on his bed...

I woke up panting. What the hell. I looked out my window to see sandman smiling at me. Oh, hades this could not be happening. I flew to the window. "Don't tell anyone." I hissed the flew to the ground. I walked my way to dad's cave. What kind of dream was that. Did I like it? No of course not. What the hell Gabrielle that's insane. A sudden noise beside me awoke me from my thoughts. "Trouble in paradise." I turned to see Hades stirring up some tea. I froze it as payback. "Don't know what you're talking about." He sighed at his tea. "You seem to be getting closer to Hook lately." He smirked. I groaned and flopped onto the couch. "Don't you have something better to do?" "No, not really." He smirked sitting next to me. I sighed and laid down so my head was in his lap and slowly fell back asleep. 

Still a short one I'm hoping I'll get better sorry

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