Chapter 2

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I was sitting on the window sill of my apartment that was right above dad's 'cave'. Something no one knows about me is that I was friends with a certain guardian. Sandman. I would tell him which villain kids needed dreams the most. For some reason this guardian really likes me. He says that I remind him of someone he use to know. Okay well, he didn't say it but I know sign language and yea... so like every other night I was awake and waiting for him to come by. "Right on time." I grinned seeing the gold sand. He came up to my window. He gestured for me to tell him and get it over with. He was a very busy guy. "The smee twins, I think they have been having a rough time with other kids, Celia, she's been jumpier since a guy came and... it's another story for another time..." I listed more and more kids until I was done. He did his job and then came back to me. I was playing with ice in my hands making them different shapes. It started as a pirate ship then turned into a sword, a wand, a crown then I crushed it. Letting out a huff. "Oh hey, sandy," I said noticing him. "How are you?" He put his thumbs up smiling. We had a small conversation until he had to leave. 

The next day I was waiting at the chip shop for Uma to get off her shift. "You know if you helped it would be a shorter wait." She hissed. "I. Would. Rather. Die." She rolled her eyes at me then Harry came in almost running. "You will never guess who I just saw." "Oh, I don't know. Fairy godmother." I rolled my eyes. "Close Mal." My jaw dropped and Uma dropped the plate she was holding. "Guys, guys guess who I just saw," Gil yelled running in. "Evie, Jay, Carlos and king Ben." He panted. I smirked and looked at Uma. "Go ahead." She sighed. "YES," I yelled jumping up and down. "Harry, come come," I explained my plan to him on the way. We were going to kidnap Ben and then give the 'gang' Uma's message. "HELP HELP," I screamed pretending to be held hostage by Gil when King Ben came running up to up. I quickly iced his feet to the floor and his mouth shut while Harry hit him hard over the head with a bat that was lying around. "Good shot." We said at the same time. I felt my cheeks go red but shook it off. "Come on," I growled at him. I created mist in the path to the 'gang'. "Ben, Ben, god, don't scare us like that." Evie sighed. "Don't scare you. But that's my specialty." Harry smirked putting an arm around my shoulder, just this once I was allowing it. "Harry. What did you do to Ben." Jay growled. "Oh, we nicked him. Yea and if you ever want to see him again. Get Mal to come to the chip shop tonight. Alone." I grinned leaning into Harry. Was it weird that I actually liked being that close to him? "Oh, Jay seems you lost your touch." Just as he was about to lunge at us I frosted the floor under him and he slipped. Not falling over thanks to Evie. I chuckled and walked away grabbing Harry's hand and pulling him with me. It was warm. Not like what I was used to. It felt nice. When we arrived at the fish shop I heard him chuckle. I turned him and noticed him looking at our hands. Shit, I forgot. I let go of him and pushed him into the shallow river below us. I walked into the shop and nodded toward Uma. "It went well," I told her. "Good but where's Harry." And as if on cue he walked in wet. Water dripped from his hair and wet hat. He came up close to me and pushed me against the counter. His hook against my neck. I smiled up at him not scared in the slightest. As weird as it was he was still warm even after being in freezing water. "I could hurt you." I hissed. I laughed. With one simple touch, his hook was frosted over. "Try it. I dare you." He pushed away from me and stormed out to the ship. "I might have pushed him in the water," I said my gaze not leaving the door he exited through. "Oh hurry up and date already." Uma chuckled. My eyes widened. "Shut up," I growled and left. 

I know a short chapter, and I'm sorry, but I'm new and don't know what else to write for this one.

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