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2:00 am

tired. thats the only way beomgyu could describe the way he felt as he sat on the cold tile of the bathroom floor, empty pill bottles scattered across it along with two empty bottles of water.

it had been thirty minutes since he'd taken the pills, choking them down with all the strength he had left. he decided against leaving a note. he wouldn't want to burden anyone with his sob story of a life. nobody cared anyways.

with shaky hands he lifted the razor blade to his arm and inhaled sharply as he sliced into his skin, dragging the blade diagonally up his arm. it burned and tears stung in his eyes as he repeated the action directly below the first mark before moving to the other arm.

the metal blade clanked to the floor as he relaxed his body, letting go of everythingas he unclenched his fists. he could feel the blood soaking into his pants as his arms throbbed.

good job beomgyu

you did it

you can rest now

"you can rest now" beomgyu repeated with a soft smile.

his eyes fluttered closed and his heart beat began to slow, everything around him slowly fading to darkness as he let the peaceful feeling of death consume his body and mind.

2:45 am

"yes, ill check on him hyung. you three have fun at the after party okay? tell jeongin ill pass along the message," taehyun said into the phone as he closed the door behind him, locking it quickly.

he hung up his call, noticing how eerily quiet it was inside the dorm. normally he'd hear beomgyu's tv or the faint sound of music echoing from his room but it was dead quiet.

"hyung?" taehyin called, slipping off his coat and hanging it on his chair in the kitchen.

no response.

"beomgyu?" taehyun called out again, walking out of the kitchen and into the hallway. that's when he noticed it. the slightly cracked bathroom door and his heart began to race.

"no," he said in a hushed whisper, running to kick open the door and letting out a loud cry as he saw beomgyu's lifeless body on the bathroom floor.

"no no no no" taehyun yelled, dropping to his knees as he pulled out his phone to call emergency services. his eyes were filled with tears as he began screaming into the phone that he needed help immediately.

"please you have to save him," taehyun sobbed, "i can't lose him i just got him back!"

"an ambulance is on the way sir, please calm down," the operator said and taehyun only cried in response, throwing his phone behind him as he began putting pressure onto the open cuts on beomgyu's arms.

"please you have to wake up," taehyun sobbed, trying to shake beomgyu awake.

it was useless. his skin was cold and pale. no pulse to be found as the young boy begged for someone to show up and save his boyfriend.

"gyu please.." taehyun cried, screaming for help once again.

"w-we were supposed to grow old together beomgyu. we were gonna have a family and little cottage with a backyard just big enough for our kids and their dog to play with..." taehyun whimpered, hands shaking as he waited for the ambulance to show up.

"please don't leave me like this beomgyu..."

taehyun hoped beomgyu would wake up. thats all he wanted.

but he was too late.

if only he'd gotten there sooner.

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