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I dashed up the tunnel bursting out into the castle I raced to a window.

I looked down it was a long ways down but I knew I could take it.

I crashed through it landing on the ground with a thump.

I shifted into Moon as I ran as fast as I could towards the border.

The instant I reached it I ran over only to be surrounded by my fathers pack members.

Let me through it urgent I must warn your Alpha and Luna of oncoming danger I told the leader eyes wide.

The leader frowned but muttered follow us. I sighed with relief.

The instant we reached the pack house I shifted back.

"Mother, its me Promise" I called into the house urgently.

My mother dashed out eyes wide with shock. When she saw my panicked face she asked "what's wrong?"

"Prince River is coming with the underground rogues and soldiers to destroy this pack" I blurted eyes wide.

"Get the young, old, and sick in the basement, whoever knows how to fight get ready, the war with the royals has arrived" My mother yelled.

Once that was done the Warriors stood in rows in front of the pack house.

My mother and father stood in the front ready for battle.

While I, still dressed in black from head to toe stood in the window, my bow and arrow drawn.

Thats when I saw them with Prince River in the lead.

My eyes narrowed as thousands of rogues and soldiers stood behind him.

We had at least half the amount he had. "Surrender now or die" Prince River called.

"NEVER" The pack roared. Prince Rivers eyes glowed red "then die" he growled.

Instantly his side attacked. We didn't move until my father yelled "ATTACK."

I shot my arrows one after another killing anyone I hit.

Whenever my arrows were gone I summoned them back to me making whoever I hit have a painful death.

"Where are all these deadly arrows coming from?" Princess Stream asked her brother.

His eyes scanned the battle field until they landed on me.

"There" he growled pointing to me. I jumped out the window shooting arrows left and right.

"Were gonna lose if he keeps that up" Princess Stream screeched.

I smirked when she said he. I heard a roar of pain I turned to see my mother laying on the ground hissing with pain while my father tried to protect her......

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