Pardon me

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Hie Hie!

Well, for this chapter I would like to ask you to read it calmly once more and try to understand the feeling present in each sentence of the characters, okay?

If you're a very, very, very sensitive person you'll need tissues, if not, you're all goods then 🤗.

Have a great read 💕💕


"If you keep running around in the kitchen like this, you're gonna make me dizzy" Chan said with his cheek resting on one of his hands.

"If you were helping me instead of just sitting and watching, I wouldn't be running around the kitchen, would I?" Felix crossed his arms, raising his eyebrows.

"Come on, prince, I don't even know how to cook rice" 

"Lucky you then, I'm not making rice, I'm making Pesto Pasta, Channie" Felix smiled evilly "Come here and help me" 

"But how am I suppo-"

"Take a pan, fill it with water, and put it on the stove, when it boils put the pasta, thanks"

"Yes, sir" 

Felix focused on making the Pesto sauce, some snacks, and side dishes, while his thoughts ran a mile a minute.

"Oi... What's going through this pretty boy's thoughts, huh?" Chan circled his arms around the younger's waist, resting his chin on his shoulder, snapping Felix out of his restless thoughts.

"Have you by any chance finished your task?" 

"Yes, and I'm doing my second task right now"

"Which is?" 

"Knowing what's wrong with you, that is, trying to know why you're so anxious, baby" 

"Are you kidding me? You really want me to answer something that is already obvious?" Felix looked at him over his shoulder.

"Is it because of your mother?" 

"Of course, hyung" 

"But your food is like the gods', she'll love it, you don't have to get so-"

Felix chuckled, elbowing Chan lightly in the ribs.

"Stop it, dumbass" 

"Oh, here it is"


"The most beautiful smile in the world"

"Oh my god, you're so corny ew" Felix stuffed a basil leaf into the other's mouth.

"You know it's just for you" 

"You better" Felix spoke loudly as the older had left him to throw the leaf that was in his mouth in the trash, returning quickly.

"But, tell me, why is your mother coming here making you so worried" He said removing the utensils from Felix's hands, then turning the boy to face him. 

"Chan... What if she hasn't forgiven me? What if she still hates me and is coming here just to throw it in my face?" 

"So what? Based on the messages she sent you, I don't think she'll come here to say things like that, but if she does, I'll be here this time. I won't be stupid to let her hurt you again" Chan leaned his forehead against Felix's. He still bitterly regretted leaving the younger's house that day "If she still hates you, Felix, that's her problem, you didn't and you don't do anything wrong, she did, and it's her problem if she's stupid enough to lose a fantastic son like you, the son that took care of her for years and that even after being hurt so many times, he still loves her"

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