Chapter 10- Feelings, Feelings and More Feelings.

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          As I went inside of the hotel, I went straight into the elevator to get up to my room. On the whole elevator ride there, I kept thinking about Jeff, he was stuck in my mind. I leaned on the elevator wall and took out my phone to check the time, it was about 10:30 pm. On my phone screen I caught my reflection, I was still blushing quite a bit, it was noticeable. I giggled to myself thinking playfully what the heck was I doing..Feeling dumb and weak in love.
          Soon the elevator stopped. I came out and walked down the empty corridor until I got to my room, 34. I knocked, "Boys, I'm home." I said from outside. Boost opened the door, "Ah you're home! Good." He said, opening the door, I walked in, still blushing and smiling. Wingo and Snot Rod were still up, watching TV.
          "How was it?" Wingo asked, passing his fingers through his hair. "You sure looked like you had fun." He added, looking at my blush and my dumb smile. "Did you two...?" Snot Rod was about to ask concerningly. "Wh- Noooo nothing like that!" I answered, cutting him off. They laughed. "We just had a lovely dinner, that's all, we talked and laughed...We held hands.." I said shyly, "Ooouuuuuuuuuuu!" Wingo cooed, smirking. I just kept blushing more and more.
          I sat down on the couch and sighed, still blushing thinking about Jeffery. "You have feelings for him, dont you?" Boost asked me, sitting on the floor near the couch. I signed, "Yeah...I like him. A LOT." "We figured." Wingo replied. "It's... something about him. He's cute, kinda goofy, playful, quite shy but says what needs to be said-" I was explaining to them, "-he has abs, fluffy hair, he's tall.." Snot Rod jokingly said, interrupting me. We laughed, "All that, yeahh." I agreed, giggling. "I like him, I really do. I'll give it a chance," I continued. "He seems into you too." Snot Rod added.
          I heard Boost sigh, "What's wrong?" I asked, "What if..What if he hurt you?" I had to stop and think before I answered, and my smile faded. "I'd just leave and forget about him," I answered. Boost looked down at the floor, "I just don't want him or something he does or..You know..To decrease your performance." Boost told me, in a disappointing tone. I looked down and sighed, "I don't think he'll do such things, even if he does I think I'll be fine without him. Keeping my eye on the prize..Right?" I answered him. He nodded, "Okay, I trust you both." "Thanks, bro," I said to him, he opened his arms, "Come 'ere sis."  I went over and hugged him, he hugged me tightly.
          "You should get some rest, it's pretty late." Boost told me, "Yeah, I should." I replied. "Sweet dreams sista, heh." Wingo said, laughing. "I better not be hearing any noises from your bed now!" Boost said jokingy. "Wowwwwwww good one!" I laughed it off and went to bed. I changed my clothes and hopped onto my bed.
          Jeff was still stuck on my mind. I layed in bed, snuggling my pillow wishing it was his touch, the touch of his hand alone was such a soft touch, a hug would've been nice..His kisses are so sweet. I'm falling for this boy more and more by the day. Thinking about him made me fall asleep a lot faster, I even had dreams of him. Sweet dreams indeed.
          Jeff was the only thing on my mind all night long, I dreamed of going out more with him, having more races with him, nice drives. I like him, I like him a lot. He's sweet, he's quite an adorable Californian boy. With his bushy, fluffy hair, fair clear skin, Adorable voice, clumsy, shy and cocky attitude. It's all perfect. So very perfect. I don't know if liking him is the right thing to do though...He could just be faking it and might probably do what Boost said. But..I like him, I really do. I'll just be cautious around him. Either way, I had feelings for him and so far it looks like he has feelings for me too.

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