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I was one year older today.

My mama got me everything I could think of. Even stuff I didn't know I needed.

She got me a golf cart just so I wouldn't have to walk to Aaliyah's house anymore. The goat.

She got me a bunch of new shoes and clothes, a new phone like I asked for, rings and chains, designer sunglasses, and do much more. My floor was basically covered in gifts.

I was going to wear the fuck out of the new Yeezy slides she got me. They're going to go so perfect with everything, it's just my style.

I wasn't going to wear that tonight, I've had my outfit planned for over a week.

I did not want to be one of those bitches that dress up and go to a steak house, no offense. But we were going to a party right after so I was going to dress casual.

I told Aaliyah to tell Chris and his best friends not to dress like some bums either just because I didn't want us to dress all fancy.

Aaliyah already told me she was going to wear a dress, she sent me a picture of it already.

She's probably just wearing it to impress Chris. Her dirty hoe ass.

I saw her in the morning, her and my mama woke me up by attacking me with cake. Instead of waking me up and singing happy birthday, they threw cake all over me.

I was mad until they took my to get a silk press. Curly hair went with my outfit better but it is what it is, I looked good either way.

We took a ride around the neighborhood on my golf cart then Aaliyah went home after that to get ready, she takes actual hours.

The sun was already going down when we left to get Aaliyah.

I wanted to get her on my golf cart but a certain old lady said I couldn't.

I told her when we were leaving so she was already outside when we got there.

When I saw what she was wearing I knew she was definitely trying to impress Chris. I can not stand this bitch.

She got in the backseat with me and handed us a bag. "Hey Miss Bey. Here birthday girl."

"Hi Aaliyah, I like your dress." Aaliyah dapped my mom up, you would've thought they were the best friends in the car and not us.

"Thanks, what did you get me?" I didn't think she got me anything. She didn't give me anything this morning and she said she wasn't getting me shit.

"Open it and look."

I put my hand inside the bag and pulled out some sort of scrapbook. There was a picture of us at the beach that my mom took on the cover. The front said 'BlueLiyah' on the front in multiple colors.

"Aw, you made me a book?" That's honestly more thoughtful that any material thing she could've gotten me, I won't ever forget this.

"Open it dummy." She was smiling like one. So was I.

I opened the book and laughed at the first page. It was screenshots from our fight video.

Under the videos it said 'We beat each other's ass this day but we probably wouldn't have been friends if it didn't happen. Beating your ass was the best decision I ever made.'

I laughed way too loud. "You did not beat my ass, stop."

"I'm trying to be nice and you're worried about who beat who's ass, if you don't keep reading."

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