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Normani kept calling me. The first time she called me I thought it was to check if she was blocked but then she called me three more times.

The fourth time, I decided to answer. "Stop calling me."

"We need to talk. I'm not trying to get you back but we do need to have a conversation."

"Okay, talk."

"We can't meet up somewhere and talk?"

"I have a girlfriend. Say what you have to say now."


"Is that not what I said not too long ago?"

"You know how fast you move, it could've been anyone."

"Do you know who the father of your bastard baby? I'm only asking because you fucked my best friend and ex, who knows who else?"

"I'm keeping the baby." I don't know why she's telling me this like I care.

"So it must be Jays since you're living with him now. Kelly was right that you're a freeloader, always living off someone else."

"It can't be, we didn't do anything until after we broke up."

"Why are you still lying to me like we're together? I know you were cheating on me already."

"It was an acc-"

"Shut up."

They always say it's an accident. How do you slip on someone's dick on accident? How do you keep it from me on accident?

"I was wondering if we were getting divorced or.."

"Of course we are."

"Well I haven't gotten any divorce papers and you haven't made any real moves towards us getting divorced."

"I'm working on it."

"Are you? If you really wanted us to get divorced, the papers would've been typed out and signed the same day. I know you Beyoncé."

"You don't."

"I do. I don't think you really want to get divorced, we've been married and just living in different houses for way longer than is comfortable for you."

"You'll be served before the end of this week. Anything else?"

"You should talk to Jay."

"You should suck my dick." A certain someone is rubbing off on me.

"I'm serious Bey. Please talk to him."

"He has my number and he cal call or text me if he has anything to talk about concerning our child. If not, we have nothing to talk about. I wish you guys the absolute worse, fuck you." I hung up on her.

I'm going to file for divorce eventually. I've just had more important stuff to do than worry about her.

I'll call my lawyers tomorrow, it's already getting late and I'm sure she's not in her office still.

Blue walked into the living room where I was sitting and sat down next to me.

"You look beautiful today mama. Are you doing something different with your hair?"

"What do you want?" I'm not dumb.

"Can Nia come over?"

"No." That was an automatic no, I didn't even have to think about it.

"What? Why?"

"Why does she need to come over here? Don't you see each other enough at school?"

"Mama it's not the same. If I would've asked if I could hang out with literally anyone else, you would say yes."

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