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wife ideas??


She was so nice. And she was so pretty too.

I felt terrible. I was smiling in that woman's face like her wife didn't have her fingers inside me not too long ago.

I was not expecting to see her at all, I was caught completely off guard. A little warning would've been nice.

She's basically the opposite of Beyoncé. She's friendly and bubbly. She's said more nice things to me in the short time I was introduced to her than I have heard Beyoncé say to me ever.

She was short, maybe an inch or two taller than me but she had the body of a dancer.

I don't know if I want to go back over there but I don't think I have much of a choice. Beyoncé wants me to come and I'm sure she'll make sure I come.

Aaliyah was already in the shower so it was too late. She was excited to see Blue, that's it.

I waited a little bit after Aaliyah got out the shower to take one myself. I took one earlier but I wanted to get the food smell off me so I just took a quick shower.

I didn't know how formal or not formal to dress. I wanted to wear a dress but I don't want to be the only person in a dress. I sound like a middle schooler asking her best friend to wear a dress to school with her right now.

After almost ten minutes, I decided to wear the dress. I was wearing a jacket over it so worst case scenario, I'll button it up. I did some light makeup and my hair then I went downstairs to wait for Aaliyah.

We sat around for a while because it was still too early for us to go. I wasn't that nervous but I was overthinking everything.

I won't stay for long, at most an hour or two. Aaliyah can stay for as long as she wants with Blue but I'm coming in and out.

It was finally time to go and I drove there. I'm not Aaliyah and I have a drivers license so I'm not lazy like she is.

When we got there, Aaliyah rang the doorbell and I stood behind her.

Beyoncé opened the door and pulled me in, kind of like how Blue and Aaliyah do to each other. "Finally! We were waiting on you."

"Really?" I feel bad now. This isn't my family and I'm making them wait to eat.

"No, I lied. Kelly's down the street."

I heard very loud squeaking and I turned and I realized it was just Beyonce's wife meeting Aaliyah. Oh.

"I love your dress Onika, you look beautiful."

"Thank you, you look good as well." My fake ass.

Someone rang the doorbell and Beyoncé's wife stepped away to answer it.

I thought it was Kelly but it wasn't. This woman had to either be her sister or cousin, they looked really similar.

Her wife did her loud squealing thing she does every time she sees someone new then they walked into the living room where we were all standing.

I don't know when Aaliyah left but she was probably with Blue somewhere in this house.

Beyoncé's sister or cousin hugged her, they were about the same height but she was wearing shoes with a platform.

"Hey Solo, nice to see you off the drugs and not itching anymore."

Oh wow?

"Nice to see your wife at home and not in Dubai getting spoiled by some prince."

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