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the beginning of this is the same as before but once you get to the ladybug emoji it's a completely different chapter


Friday was here and it was time to take Aaliyah to her sleepover at Blues house.

She was in trouble but she hasn't really made any friends since we moved here so I was going to let her. She'll be right back on punishment when she gets home. 

Aaliyah got the address from Blue because I didn't have any of Beyoncé's contact information. I doubt she would've given it to me if I asked her.

I don't think she likes me very much.

The drive to their house took about two seconds, they lived just down the street. I didn't know we lived in the same neighborhood.

It was a pretty nice neighborhood, the houses were big and everyone was private which meant everyone minded their business.

I haven't really made any friends, we haven't been here for that long. We just moved here, I wanted to wait until my restaurant was completely finished so I could just get straight into it.

I own a restaurant called Pullum Oscula. It means chicken kisses in Latin, I thought it was funny and cute. I like dumb stuff like that.

I parked in front of their garage and when we got out, Aaliyah ran to their front door to ring the doorbell.

By the time I got to that door Aaliyah and Blue were already running up their stairs. Beyoncé was still at the door, probably waiting for me.

"Aaliyahs allergic to shel-"

"Come in."

It felt like a command so I walked in. I can't believe I just let this woman tell me what to do like that.

"Sit." She didn't leave any room to ask questions because she left the living room.

I sat down on the couch, I was scared. She's only said three words to me so far, I shouldn't be shaking in my boots like that. 

I doubt she would kill me with her daughter home. We've only spoken once, I doubt she's even trying to kill me.

Then what does she want from me? I hope she didn't leave to get a knife or something.

Maybe she uses her daughter to trick people into sleepover so she can kill their parents and sell the kid.

Or maybe she wants revenge because our daughters were fighting. Aaliyah could be getting murdered right now, oh my God.

Instead, she came back with a bottle of wine and two wine glasses. When did I say I wanted wine? When did I even say I was staying? I had plans for some alone time.

She sat down and started pouring the wine. I see she's not much of a talker.

She handed my a glass of wine and I took it. "Are you always this commanding and intimidating?"

"Yes. Drink."

"You do understand I'm not a child and we're pretty close in age?" This was a genuine question, the last time I saw her she thought I was a high school student.

"I doubt we're that close in age." She ignored my other question.


"I'm a little confused right now." I don't even think confused is the word right now.

"Why is that?"

"You kinda just told me to come in and I'm not sure what's happening right now."

"Honestly, I told my wife about what happened and she told me I was being rude to you. She said I should try and be your friend."

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