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I was drifting in and out of sleep when I heard glass break. That could've been Blue but I don't think I heard her come in.

I was so tired, I didn't want to get up. Onika did a number on me. It was a lot better than I thought.

She's a very fast learner. I don't really moan, I don't see the need to. If I moan, I moan but I'm not going to fake anything to boost someone's ego.

I didn't want to get up but imagine I die because I didn't want to get up.

It could just be Blue but if it was, why is she breaking glass in my house?

I got up and put a robe on since I was still naked. Before I got all the way downstairs, I could hear giggling.

I can't believe I had to get out of bed because Blue wants to break stuff.

After I got all the way downstairs, I saw both Blue and Aaliyah. They can't go to Onikas house for once?

"What did you break?" I didn't see glass anywhere, they must've cleaned it up.

"Nothing. You could've at least said hi or asked me how school was first."

"Why are you lying? I heard glass break, do I look dumb to you?"

"There's no glass, maybe you're hearing things."

"Aaliyah?" I know what I heard.

"Yes ma'am?"

"I'll give you fifteen dollars." I couldn't do much more than that, they were running my pockets dry.

"There was no glass, nothing broke."


"We broke a vase. We threw everything in the trash and covered it up with napkins."

I was willing to go up to a hundred or two. I just started off low so she would be willing to take two twenty's.

"Mama can I cuss?"

"Mhm." I should've said no because she was lying to me.

"Really? You're a forty dollar hoe? That's all it took to snitch on me?"

"She was going to find out anyway. At least I got some money out of it, you're in trouble and broke."

"I was. You should've at least tried to get some money out of it. You could've at least tried to bribe me with the money to get you out of trouble."

"This isn't a business class and it was forty dollars."

"Life is a business class, keep up."

"Is that a hickey?"

"Are you in my business?" I can't believe Onika gave me a hickey. I couldn't stop smiling, she gave me a hickey.

"Oh my God, it is! Aaliyah look!"

I covered the spot where I knew the hickey had to be. I didn't care about the hickey, I was actually happy it was there, but I didn't want them to be nosy.

"Are you back with Mani? Isn't she pregnant?"

"Why are you in my business? You don't see me asking Aaliyah about Chris."

"She already moved on from him, she's on TJ now."

"You need to die. Stop lying."

I feel bad. I rubbed off on Blue now what she's saying is rubbing off on Aaliyah. I'm a bad influence.

"Mama you heard her just tell me to die?"

"Mhm. But no I'm not back with her, I have a sneaky link."

They looked at each other and started busted out laughing. You would've thought they were fighting the way they kept slapping and hitting each other.

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