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Onika got of my face and plopped down next to me. She could barely catch her breath. "I can't feel anything, I think I'm paralyzed."

Before I spoke, I had to move my jaw from side to side a couple times. It was getting sore now.

"You're fine." I slapped her thigh and her whole body started shaking again.

This is our third time doing this. That night I took her home from the restaurant, I gave her head until she fell asleep.

The second time, Aaliyah and Blue were having a sleepover so I went over there. We had a few glasses of wine and one thing led to another and I had my head in between her legs again.

This time we were on the phone because I was asking her about something and she sounded really upset so I told her to come over. When she got here I asked her what was wrong and she said she was having a bad day so I made her day better.

We're not together, we just kiss and have sex occasionally. I have no problem, I love it actually.

Onika's so guarded. When we were just friends she more open to everything than she is now. I guess because I'm still technically married, she doesn't want to show that she likes me.

We both know she likes me just as much as I like her. I'm too blunt and honest of a person to lie about my feelings.

"Why would you do that?!" Onikas legs would not stop shaking and it was making me laugh so hard.

"I got it like that, huh?"

"Why won't it stop?"

"Remember when I told you I would show you a
new world being with a woman?" I was feeling myself.

"Stop and help me."

"Okay hold on." I Googled it and it said potassium would help so I ran downstairs to get her a banana.  It didn't take long after for her legs to stop shaking.

She rolled over on her stomach and draped her arm over my stomach.

"Why don't you let me touch you?"

"Are you not touching me right now?"

"No but in other places." Her hand started to trail down from my stomach and I grabbed it when it got to the waistband of my shorts.

"See? You won't even let me touch your boobs."

"According to you, you don't even like women so what's the problem?"

"With all the things you've done it me, it's only fair."

"I'm satisfied, don't worry. I don't need a lot." It's not like I was having sex that often with a wife that was gone for months at a time.

"Yeah, but- but-"

"But you want to?"

"Yeah." I don't know why she was acting so shy and embarrassed.

"Have you ever done anything sexual to a woman before? Don't say kiss."


"So what are you going to do with me? Feel around until I make noise?"

"You could teach me."

"There's no need, I said I'm good."

She sighed, "Okay."

"It's funny that we're cuddling because you said you didn't like me."

"We're not cuddling. We're not even laying that close to each other."

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