Chapter 5

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  • Dedicated to Erin Coleman

I'm sorry its taken so long but I have been REALLY busy. And i dislocated my knee so feel sorry for me!! :(  I know it's only short but i promise the next chapter will be really good and interesting!! ENJOY!

As always VOMMENT!!! and, if you haven't already, mabye even fan!! Thanks x :D

Jasmine muttered restlessly, trying to roll over in her unconsciousness but, for some unknown reason, she

couldn’t. Instead she fell to the floor hitting her head. Hard.

                                                                                                            Her eyes snapped open at once but were only greeted with gloom. It was so dark and cold here…wherever here was. Jasmine tried to remember how she had ended up in this place but even that just made her head ache even more. She tried to raise her hand to her throbbing temple but again, she found herself restricted. So instead she wiggled around, trying to get a sense of what was stopping her from moving. After a few seconds she realised what was going on: she was tied up, to a chair, it seemed.

                                                                                                         But why? That’s the question that now plagued her mind. How had she gotten her and why had she been tied up? She looked around the room for clues as to why she was here but black spots clouded her vision and her brain seemed to pound every time she tried to think about what had happened.  Slowly however, minute by minute, along with the adjustment of her eyes to the darkness that had, in the beginning, seemed to engulf her, the memories of what she had witnessed came sliding back into place.

                                                                                                        Driving to the nightclub; seeing Jayden, smug and infuriating as ever; having a massive argument; the sharp, stinging pain in her neck while a needle pierced her skin and then…Darkness.  He’d drugged her! The realisation hit her with what seemed to be the force of an 18 ton truck. The lying, deserting imbecile had drugged her.

                                                                                                             Jasmine cursed violently, her voice echoing in the empty room. She’d let him get the better of her. Her. She was the best there was.

 ‘But he had always been better,’ a small voice in her mind chimed.

“Not anymore.” She muttered to herself, “I’m better than him and no way is her going to beat me again. You just wait Jayden.” Well before Jasmine could do anything she had to get up off the floor and, if she could, get free.

So after a few minutes of frantic struggling that left her panting heavily she finally managed to right herself. Having tugged furiously at the ropes however had left her, not only exhausted but with bleeding wrists and aching muscles. She was never going to escape at this rate.

Jasmine feebly pulled at her bonds for a few more moments before finally giving up with a loud groan. Slumping back into the chair she contemplated what to do next. Well seeing as Plan A hadn’t exactly turned out how she had hoped it would it was time for Plan B.


In the middle of her cat-calling Jasmine’s voice had cracked with the strain of trying to be heard. Now her own voice was ringing in her ears and echoing through the room.

She waited, her chest rising and falling quickly as she tried to regain her breath. There was no retaliation however. Just the sound of her, now quiet, breathing. So she tried again.

Three more times Jasmine yelled abuse to her captors who she hoped could hear her. And three times she sat, while gasping, waiting for an answer that never came.

Finally, completely exhausted, with her muscles screaming in protest and her head feeling like it was about to split in two, she conceded defeat.

“Urgh. What does it take to get heard around here?” she grumbled loudly.

Suddenly she heard a noise. At first she thought she was imagining it but as it continued she recognised it for what it was. Outside the thick door, of what she liked to think of as her prison, she heard the distinct sound of male laughter. A man was chuckling just outside that door.

They had been able to hear her…the gits.

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