chapter one

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    The begging to a new start

You were a really famous model all around the world but not your hometown as you were nothing to them. you only had your (bf/n) and your family knows about it. Your best friend was the only thing that kept you from going insane and losing your happiness.
But after what happened a few years ago has stripped out of it. and you had to watch it all unfold in front of you helplessly unable to help. You couldn't help but just cry till you were out of tears your wanted to scream but you couldn't your voice betrayed you at the time.

//Time skip the present//

You were being driven to your uncle house to live with him and his wife while listening to music and looking outside the window after the "accident" you begun seeing the bad side of everything around you. You become more aware with the evil things around you. You became cold Stone hearted. You locked the shattered pieces of your heart and hide them deep within you in hope of Never getting hurt again.

After you arrived you're welcomed by your uncle Rayleigh and his wife shakky smiling at you but you just nodded at them and looked at your butler and said "take my things inside then you can leave with the driver I don't need you to be here you can go back home and don't come back even if he tell you to understood?" he nodded his head in a fast motion and took all of your belongings in. You look at Rayleigh and shakky then sighted and hugged them both and went inside.

/ /The next day//

You woke up early then prepared breakfast for all of you. Eat your food shower then wore your uniform and went to school. Upon arriving you could see the big sign reading "THE GRAND LINE HIGHSCHOOL" so you entered and heard many people whisper about you 

'Isn't that the famous model (y/n)'

'omg it is'

'she's wearing our school uniform omg is she going to study here amazing this will be the best school year if she does'

You couldn't help but sight to yourself sure this year was going to be full of surprises you could feel it from miles away. As you were walking you taped gently on someone shoulder "sorry to bother you but could you help me go to the principal office?" He turned around and said with a big smile plastered on his face "sure my name is Monkey D. luffy be my friend" he said as he began guiding you through the school hallway. You were surprised by his questions he wants to be friends with you have didn't everyone hate you? Or that was only your imagination "um...okay I'm (y/n) (l/n)"you finally reached your destinations "There it is I'll be waiting for you here okay?" You nodded your head in acknowledgement and knocked on the door then entered the office " hello? I'm here to get my schedule?" you said with a soft voice "state your name" "(Y/N) (L/N)" "here take it" "thank you sir have a great day" you bowed slightly and then left the room "soooo what do you have first?" you were surprised to see luffy there waiting for you "I have English with... Mr. shanks room 5?"you said with confusions " oh well I have P.E now see you at lunch and oh the room 5 is right around that corner so hurry up the bell is about to ring" he stated and started running he yelled " bye see you later" you found yourself stunned again he still want to see you? That's kind of weird for you. 'maybe he wants to use you for your money' a voice in your head said. You shook your head and runned to the classroom then entered and sat down at the very corner on the right with a window beside it. You took a book and picked up reading where you last left. After a while you heard the teacher speak up "I'm Mr. shanks your English teacher for this school year as I could see we have a new student could you please come up and introduce yourself " he said with a smile you mumbled a small 'ok' then got up from your seat and headed to the front and bowed down "my name is (Y/N) (L/N) it's nice to meet you all if there is any questions I could answer it" you said with a sweet voice and a big fake smile one of your classmates said "my name is ace and my question is how old are you?" Ace asked "I'm 17 year old" you said. One by one you answered many questions but it seems like no one knows that you're a famous model or something from that class and you were kind of grateful for that. hopefully they wouldn't swarm you by lunch time. As you went through the lesson you felt as if someone had their eyes on you and were following all of your moves. 

//Time skip till lunch//

Once the bell rings you headed to the cafeteria and sat down alone on one of the benches in the corner of there. after a while you heard a voice calling you. As you turned around you were met by luffy with a bunch of people with him and they all sat around you. You only knew three people there Nico Robin Which is another model you worked with from time to time. Ace and luffy. they all then introduced themselves to you "hey (Y/N) could I talk to you in private?" Robin asked "yeah...sure" you answered and got up from the table and walked away from the others. She stopped and looked at you " you don't have to be afraid they are all nothing like whatever your thinking and if you're worried about your identity as a model and them using you for money they won't believe me" she said with her calm voice "are you sure? After all you know what happened before as I told you your sure it won't happen again?" You asked for a confirmation for her after all she was what you could call a motherly figure to you after helping surpass many of the shit you went through before "yeah don't worry they know about me and they won't use me I believe in them like you believe in me" she said with a smile on her face.

(bf/n) = best friend name
(Y/n)= your name
(L/n)= last name
I hope you enjoyed this chapter and tell me if you see any flaw I could improve as English is not my first language

The Grand Line highschool (modern!AU)  (Shanks X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now