🍬chαptєr 26🍬

141 5 9

It was loud.

You didn't know what it was exactly, but it echoed in your ears like crazy. It repeatedly went off, the same annoying sound over and over. All in the middle of your sleep. 

You tossed and turned, trying to ignore the sound but it seemed like it kept going off forever. No matter how much you ignored it, whatever it was, wasn't going off.

Finally peeking open your eyes, you glanced around trying to find your clock. Even though you could barely read it, something told you that those hands said 6 am.

"You've got to be fucking kidding me." You whispered, your voice croaky. It was finally Saturday and now you had to get up and figure out the cause of this damned noise. What a great way to ruin your day.

You sat up on the bed, trying to tune out the constant ringing of this noise. After a few seconds of getting your mind straight, you then realized that the ringing noise was coming from your phone on the bedside table. 

Someone was calling you at six in the morning.

Someone was calling you at six in the morning...

"Whoever this is may the heavens be with you cause—" You paused once you saw the person who was calling you repeatedly. Now you were completely awake. "Baek.." 

You creased your eyebrows in confusion, grabbing your phone. Why was he calling you back to back at six in the morning? He was a bit clingy but he'd never do anything like this, especially disturbing your sleep.

The call had ended for a moment and you could see that he called you 15 times?! Then it started again, that obnoxious ringing. Makes you want to change your ringtone to birds chirping. 

Knowing your mom was probably sleeping, you had to answer and hope she hasn't woken up yet.

"What the fuck Baek—"

"I miss you." He quietly said. His voice wasn't any louder than a pin drop. 

Your heart softened at those three words. That sentence made you forget about everything that happened these past few days. That's because you knew you missed him just as much. Probably not as much as he missed you though, and that sent butterflies throughout your body.

"I'm missing you more." You smiled, playing with your blanket. But for some reason, you didn't think he was smiling back.

"Are you really?" He muttered. 

"Do you even have to ask? I wanna give you a big hug right now." You giggled.

There was no reaction from him.

"Oh. Is that right?"

You poked your bottom lip out, not feeling his sincerity on the other side. Maybe it was because it was early and you were still tired, but he almost seemed annoyed. But that's not possible since he called you that many times first and woke you up from your beauty sleep.

Let's not think about that though, you were probably just imagining things.

"Yes that is correct." You said in a professional manner, joking around.

"Then let's meet up in two hours." There was no emotion in his voice at all. Not his usual hyper tone or his pouting voice. It was just blank. That was already a red flag.


"I'll text you." Just like that, he ended the call. No goodbyes or anything. 

You stared at your phone, a puzzled expression decorating your features. Now you knew you heard it right. That five minute call told you a few things but there was one thing that stood out the most.

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