🍬chαptєr 12🍬

239 9 1

"That was such a day." You groaned as you flopped on your bed. It wouldn't be a surprise if he one day bit your lips clean off. You knew your lips were so bruised to the point it could've looked like you had just got some lip fillers.

He was....different to say the least. Very different. One day he goes from his usual bubbly self to a fucking lion ready to tear open a deer. Then on other days he's a quiet guy who keeps to himself.

"I'm so conflicted." You sighed. Getting off the bed you began to change your clothes. The good news was that the hickey appeared to be fading away. The bad news is that your lips are replacing it. 

Throwing on a simple t-shirt and some shorts, you fell asleep hoping the next day would be somewhat relaxing


Oh you couldn't be more wrong

Lunch just ended and that meant you were on your way to baking. It sounds normal right? Oh no we don't like normal now do we.

Baekhyun had been pestering you all fucking day. You were glad that he wasn't in your History or Science class but Math was pure hell. He kept sending you pleading glances and would spam your phone every second of class. You tried to ignore it but he just wouldn't stop.

It was so bad to the point where Sehun had to say something about your dinging phone. And that dude never talks unless he's arguing with Yoohyeon. 

You hoped Baekhyun would get the hint but he obviously didn't. Your lips were still sore from yesterday and you didn't think you could take another rough make-out session. That would literally be it for your beautiful lips.

What if my future husband refuses to kiss me cause I have no lips! I'd have to die if it came to that.

But lunch is where it takes the cake. 

It was like you were playing hide and seek. You didn't even get a chance to eat shit cause you were busy running away from the lustful demon! For the second half of lunch, you had to hide in one of the girls stalls because you weren't physically capable of running for too long.

Now you just had to get through Baking class successfully since that's your last class with Baekhyun for today. The other two you shouldn't have anything to worry about unless he steals you in the middle of class.

You walked slower than molasses as you made your way to Baking. Yoohyeon was next to you thankfully, and it took everything in you from spilling it all to your friend. 

"Y/n, we literally have two minutes before the bell rings and we're not even in the hallway of the class!" She whined. You didn't care at all. Fuck it.

"We'll make it in time don't worry.." You murmured, knowing that was a full on lie.

"I'm not dealing with your bullshit Y/n!" She suddenly grabbed your wrist and started running faster than you would've liked.

"H-hey! I told you-!"

"The faster we get there, the faster you can see your boyfriend!~ Isn't that exciting!" She giggled, her breath getting caught in her throat.

"That's the last thing I want." You barked.

Just before you knew it, you were walking into class. And there he was. Already staring at you. This was going to be a fucking hassle.

You took your seat at the end of the row, your assigned seat that was closest to Bacon sadly. You didn't want to give him the satisfaction of looking back at him so you ignored him as much as possible. 

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