🍬chαptєr 18🍬

191 6 5

7 years ago..

"Open wide Baekhyun!" The ten year old boy's mom held a spoonful of oatmeal, leading it towards his mouth. Baekhyun loved being spoiled and taken care of by his mother and father, but his mother gave him that extra attention that he just loved.

The boy ate the food with delight, finally using his own spoon to eat his filling. It was a quiet morning, his dad already gone out for work.

"Are you eating well Baek?" His mom shouted sweetly while she made blueberry pancakes. The boy nodded vigorously, his mouth stuffed. 


"That's delightful sweetie, you know you need to eat strong nutrients in order to grow into a healthy boy!" She grinned, walking over with a bowl of fruits. Her smile reached her eyes, the love for the boy prominent in them.

"I know mommy!" He continued to eat happily, loving the life he had for himself.

His mom gazed solemnly at him, hiding the despair in her chocolate eyes. She felt tears prick the side of her eyes, quickly wiping them away before her son could see.

"Remember to always eat healthy Baekhyun.....because if you don't, your body could give in on you and you'll become weak. Do you understand?" She patted her son's head, voice almost cracking as she spoke. 

"You know I will! I'll be just like you mom!" He cheered, plopping an orange slice in his mouth, the flavor bursting. This was his favorite fruit, he loved oranges with his heart. It was sour and sweet but it had just the right amount of both.

His mom halted in her actions, her heart swelling. She clenched her jaw and gripped her hand into a fist, the smile never leaving her pale face.

"Please.....never be like me Baek.." She whispered to herself, desperately holding back tears that threatened to fall out.

A few months later...

"Mommy! Mommy! Where are you!? I need to show you my drawing!" Baekhyun ran out of his room and skidded down the hall, the excitement overflowing from his body. He drew a typical picture of his family and his friend Suho. He thought of him like a brother.

But in the picture, he also drew a picture of an  orange, showing just how much he loved the sweet fruit. It was placed in his hand neatly, almost bigger than his head. He couldn't wait to show it to his mom.

He feet pattered on the floor as he ran around the house trying to find his caregiver. His father was currently in his study doing whatever work he had to do.

Baekhyun stopped to catch his breath, huffing loudly. He held the picture in his hand, still glancing around to see if he could catch his mom. He knew she was definitely home, so where was she?

The sound of coughing snapped him out of his wild thoughts. It sounded like hacks and it wasn't a normal cough. It was a cry for help.

The boy scrunched his eyebrows together, heading towards the sound. He walked cluelessly, not knowing exactly to where he was going. But he eventually ended up in front of the bathroom door that was at the back of the house. This bathroom was used mostly for guests so it's odd someone was in here.

"Mommy?" He mumbled, turning the knob of the door.

By doing this, it'll eventually change the rest of his life for potentially the worse. What he saw, was his mom hunched over the sink, coughing her lungs out. Specks of blood littered the inside of the sink and a pool of it dripped from her hand that covered her mouth. She was extremely pale, body shaking.

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