Chapter Eleven

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Searing pain shot through my arms, my eyes shot open. I didn't know where I was, I was in a concrete room with barely any light. There was just enough light for me to notice that I was only wearing my underwear, and that I was suspended in the air. I could only feel pain in my arms, but I could tell my arms were hung behind me in an unnatural way.

The last thing I remember was going outside and the chanting of, "We're watching," which was still ringing in my ears. I didn't have enough energy to talk or move at all so I looked at the ground.

I was looking at all the scratches all over my legs and a cut just above my knee, which was bleeding, when someone came out of the shadows. "Prince, you're finally awake. I almost thought we killed you. That would have been a shame now wouldn't it?" When I didn't answer he walked up to me and forced me to look at him. "I asked you a question, answer it!" he screamed. I still didn't answer, I couldn't, I still didn't have enough energy. "The answer I was looking for was, yes. It's that easy. Now for more hard questions, which you must answer." He let my head go of my head, which was looking at the ground again, and went to grab a knife. "The rules are simple, you answer the questions, and you won't get hurt. If you don't answer the questions, you will. Question one, when are your parents going on that trip?"

I finally managed to get enough energy to speak. "Why?"

"If I told you, that wouldn't be fair to us, you would know our plan. So I'll ask you again, when are your parents going on that trip?" I still didn't answer. "I'm starting to get annoyed, and you don't want me to be annoyed." I still couldn't talk I used all my energy saying one word. "I'll ask one more time, when are your parents going on that trip? Answer me! Ok so you won't answer me. You know what happens now."

He tightened the grip on the knife and pierced the tip into my chest. I screamed.

"See, you can scream, so you can talk. Every time you don't answer me the knife will go deeper and deeper. Just to warn you, you can obviously tell that if you don't answer any of the questions the knife will reach your heart, and you'll die. Ok now onto question two, do you know why you're here?" I shook my head. "That wasn't that hard was it? Do you want to know why you're here? Oh of course you do. As you could tell, I'm the leader of the Pirates. To get to the point we are going to call the King and tell him that we have you and we will only let you go if the King gives himself to us. He will have until the end of the week, three days, to make a decision. We will make the phone call now."

"You don't know his phone number," I whispered.

"No, I don't. But I have your phone. Let's give him a call. I'll put it on speakerphone."

I almost didn't think my father would answer, but sure enough, he did. "Matthew where are you? I haven't seen you since dinner two nights ago, are you ok?" my father asked, actually sounding worried.

"Matthew won't be able to answer you. He's a little... tied up right now."

"Who is this? What happened to my son?"

"Don't you recognize my voice? It's the leader of the Pirates, and I have your son."

Prince ConjurerWhere stories live. Discover now