Chapter Two

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"Hello mother and father, I'm glad you're back."

"Hello son," the King and Queen said at the same time.

"Matthew, remember that my parents are coming over tonight, so be on your best behavior," The King's loud voice echoed through the lounge room we were standing in.

I had just realized on how beautiful the room was. It has a bright purple color painted on the walls, with vertical silver lines running down the wall, with leather chairs and sofas dotting the walls. It looked the best it has ever looked since I painted the walls last month.

"Yes I will, father," I said as politely as I could manage.

I turned around and left my mother and father standing in one of the prettiest looking rooms in the palace.

I walked around in the halls. I didn't know what I wanted to do while I wait for my father's parents, so I kept walking. I decided that I was going to go outside and practice my archery.

After a couple hours of practicing, I saw the palace gates open and my father's parent's car came in. I turned and ran into the house to tell my parents.

"Mother, Father! Father's parents are here!" I yelled.

"Ok, thanks for telling us, we are coming down now," the Queen replied.

Father's parents came walking into the front doors and saw my mother right away. "Lisa, I haven't seen you in so long. How are you doing?"

"I'm doing great thanks for asking. How are you?" the Queen replied.

"I'm wonderful, thanks for asking. Where's Thomas?" my grandma replied.

Right once my grandma finished her sentence my father came down the long, wide stairs.

"Hello mother and father. It is great to see you," My father spoke with joy.

I quietly turned around and walked down a long hallway, I couldn't stop thinking about Eve, like always. I sat down on a brown window seat, and just looked outside.


It had been a week since my father's parents arrived; they stayed for two days, then left. It had also been a week since I had seen Eve too.

I was in deep thought when there was a knock on the door. I thought it was the door to my room, but it wasn't. I looked around and no one was by my door. Then someone knocked again, it was from the front door. I hurried down the stairs and went to go answer the door. I opened the door and my best friends, Tanner and Sally, were standing outside, waiting for me to let them in.

"Hello, do you guys want to come in?"

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