Chapter 21: Dreadful Message

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Taehyung's pov.

It was getting so tiring being holed up in my room after school that I actually started feeling like I was going insane. Sure, Jungkook and Seokjin would visit me from time to time but I just felt like a bigger part of me was missing in my life. I didn't have my usual light hearted arguments over dumb things, someone to nag me for procrastinating, someone I could stare at forever and not get sick of their cat like eyes and a button nose that twitched when he concentrates.

I miss Yoongi.

I wondered if he thought about me too or if he's glad to get me out of his hair. Maybe my life and my obnoxious personality was starting to annoy him and he loved the peace and quiet better. Some part of me wanted to believe that Yoongi had missed me and actually felt the same way I did.

Yoongi deserved an explanation for everything, but my grandparents prevented me from interacting with him.

When he didn't show up the next day, I began to worry. As much as I hate Jimin and Hoseok, they were really my main source to where Yoongi might me. Unfortunately, those two were not here today either. Just when I finally didn't have Namjoon following me around school, I was at a dead end.

From my room, I can hear a commotion downstairs so I got out of my bed and took stealthy footsteps to the top of the stairs.

"We have to let him know now before things get out of hand. Mr. Kim, with all due to respect, I will not let him harm Min Yoongi and if that's not enough for you to..." Namjoon's voice grew quieter which was hard for me to hear that last part.

Suddenly, my phone received a message and I hurriedly unlocked it when his name showed up on my screen.


"Come to Seoul hospital alone."

I stared at it confused but nonetheless ran to my room to throw on a coat and a pair of shoes. While in the midst of getting ready, Namjoon knocked before coming in and noticed my rushed state.

"What are you doing?"

"I have to go to Seoul Hospital." I stood up after tying my shoe laces and fixing my hair. "Yoongi says to meet him there alone." I assumed he wanted me to come alone because he wanted to speak to me privately without other people eavesdropping on our conversation. He deserved to have his own privacy after what we put him through.

Namjoon had a dreadful look on his face, not what I was expecting at all. "Is that all he said?" I nodded, worried with the uneasy tone Namjoon's voice was laced with.

"What?" I questioned as Namjoon's body language signified that he knew something. "Taehyung, you have to stay here. I-I can't let you go." I scoffed. "Like hell! You will drive me there or I'll get a taxi."

"Taehyung, listen to me." Namjoon grabbed me by my shoulders and sat me down on my bed. I have never in my life seen Namjoon this scared before. That is part of the reason why I didn't attempt to argue and hear him out first.

"Remember how those photos of you and Jungkook were leaked? Well they were sent in by one of your classmates at school. It turns out they were hired to take them."

"And? Who hired them?"

"Choi Yeonjun."

"Namjoon! Come on, we have to go to Seoul Hospital! The fire alarms are going off!" My Grandmother yells, one of her hands shaking with her cellphone in her hand. "Contact all bodyguards and make sure they find Yoongi!" My Grandfather orders Namjoon who quickly stands up and dials a number on his work phone.

"Stay here." Namjoon says but I shook my head, refusing to stay put. "No! I'm not staying here! Yoongi could be in trouble and it'll be my fault if something happens to him."


"Joon, I swear on everything that if you make me stay here and something happens to him I will never forgive you. I'm fucking going and that's that. Let's get in the car now!"

Yoongis pov.

Yeonjun smiled and showed me the message he sent to Taehyung. It was marked as read and I had hoped Taehyung wasn't dumb enough to listen. I hoped Namjoon was holding him back right now.

"Why are you doing this?" I finally asked, defeated and drowsy. "I tried the first time and that prick is still happy. Taehyung has always been given everything he's wanted since we were young. My parent's worked for the Kim's for a long time." Yeonjun walked around me, the gun being playfully flipped around between his fingers. "Well, my Dad was their chauffeur and- you can pretty much guess what happened to them. That day just so happened to be my birthday and oh was I sad." Even though the story was sad, Yeonjun had a smile on his face as if he were mocking himself.

"Anyways, Taehyung doesn't deserve to live in luxury. If it weren't for his little substantial parents, my Dad would be alive right now." This wasn't fair to anyone. The accident was not intentional and no one could have prevented what had happened. I could tell Yeonjun was hurting what with that deranged smile on his face. "And the funny thing is," he laughs and as he stoops to my level he leans into my ear as if he had to whisper.

"My own mother can't even look at me."

"It wasn't Taehyung's fault."

"It's was his fault just as much as it was his parents."

"Look, I understand you haven't fully grieved yet but do you actually think taking this out on Taehyung is something your Dad would have wanted?" I was really trying to buy time here and hope to god that my body would return back to normal soon.

"What the fuck do you know?" He grabs at my hair and I wince in pain as my head is pulled back and I was now looking at the dark sky. "You're just as bad as me. You used him and now his filthy rich grandparents don't even like you."

"It was mutual." Yeonjun scoffs and pushes my head which caused my whole body to lurch forward and hit the pavemented roof. "You're more stupid than I thought. He went and confessed to his little crush and didn't give a shit about you-"

"You don't know anything!"

"Oh, but I do. If he actually gave a shit about your feelings he wouldn't have confessed and he wouldn't have the whole school making you suffer while he sits back and watches like the prissy little prince he is." I looked up at him with so much hatred. I hated that he hit a spot and it infuriated me.

"Thats the difference between us, Yoongles. You stay put and do nothing like a kicked puppy but I go out of my way to get what I want." The gun was now pressed to my temple, but kept my gaze on him.

"Your father must be ashamed for what he's created. You're a monster." Yeonjun smacks my face with the gun, once again knocking me to the ground. I spit out the blood pooling in my mouth and pushing myself back up until Yeonjun forcefully sat me up and pointed the gun in the middle of my forehead.

"You must really want to die."

"No, I'm just not scared of you."

Not me dragging this whole scene out 💀 LMAO. So I'm planning to make the next chapter more lengthy but it is in the making as I publish this chapter. I'm thinking of getting one of my friends to help out on the next chapter and she really likes extremely angsty stories. 😭 Also I see some new readers popping in recently! Thank you so much for clicking on this book and giving it a chance. I'm always open to hear feedback on my work so feel free to message or comment, I love reading your comments! :) Love you all and I'll be back soon!!

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