Chapter 18: Backlash

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Namjoon hung up the call in which he had spoken to the doctor. Apparently Yoongi was no longer at the hospital and he had walked out according to the security cameras. They explained to the bodyguard that Yoongi still needs medical attention because he has not fully healed which caused Namjoon to worry.

He decided to try and call Yoongi's phone but it was sent to voicemail. After trying multiple times, he cursed to himself and turned at the pounding door. "Unlock this door!" Taehyung screamed profusely. The yelling was nonstop and Namjoon couldn't do anything about it. "Joon you know me better than anyone else. Do you think I was acting this whole time? Sure I'm a great actor but this was real!"

Taehyung tried to joke but ended up crying, yanking on the door handle. "Namjoon?" Taehyung stops and slides down the door so now he was sitting with his back facing it. "Can you at least do something for me?" Taehyung didn't know whether Namjoon was there or not but he hoped he heard his request. "Can you please check on him?"

"Okay." Was all Taehyung had to hear before he let out a breath of relief.

Following the next day, Namjoon drove around Yoongi's house, being discreet as possible. The first thing he noticed was that no one had come out or in for two days straight. On the third day he saw what he had guessed was Yoongi's father judging by the nose and eyes that resembled that of the younger.

The man went out and came back with a twelve pack of beer. His eyes were bloodshot and his eye bags were evident on his face. He looked completely miserable. Namjoon took this as an opportunity to get out and speak with the man to find some information on where Yoongi was.

"Hello, Sir?" The man whipped his head around and gave a weak smile, an unbalanced movement in his steps. "Who are you?" Namjoon pushes his hand out for the man to shake and displays a genuine smile.

"My name is Kim Namjoon and I am a bodyguard to Kim Taehyung, your son's friend." Yoongi's father never really paid attention to the people Yoongi hung around, but he acted as if he knew what the bodyguard was talking about.

"Oh," He nodded and turned around to unlock the front door. He gestured for Namjoon to step inside. "Is Yoongi home?" Namjoon asked and the man scoffed.

"That boy ran off somewhere. He did this to the house and left." Namjoon noticed the condition of the house and the pieces of glass scattered across the floor. All pictures were broken and some furniture were flipped over. Namjoon felt terrible, thinking the reason Yoongi had done this was because of him.

"I-Is he okay?" He looks towards Yoongi's Dad who had taken a seat on the couch and opened a can of beer. "Probably not. His mother and I recently got a divorce while he was on a trip. His mother left to Daegu."

"Do you happen to know where he ran off to?" Namjoon waited for a response but the man was silent. "Sir?" Then, the man's head fell back and he was asleep.

Namjoon let out a stressful sigh, walking out of the house and back to his car.

The break began to end which meant Yoongi would have to go back home. He dreaded seeing his fathers face, the one his mother left him with. He was also dreading to go to school because he'll only see the face of the one person he wished he hadn't fell for.

He hadn't heard anything from Taehyung which was no surprise since his grandparents probably hated his guts. How could a commoner use their grandson to their advantage? At least that's how Yoongi portrayed their thought process.

"Are you going to stay with your Dad?" Jimin asked as Yoongi finished his shower and was now drying his hair. "I have to. There's no where else I could stay." Yoongi replied and Hoseok chimes in. "You can stay with me. I'll just let my parents know and I'm sure they'll take you in." Yoongi appreciated it, really. He had to decline though to save himself the last bit of dignity he had. He knew he needed to stop relying on people and to stop running away from his problems.

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