Chapter 1: Pretty Boy And Heartbreaks

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"are you serious right now?" i look between my boyfriend (soon to be ex) and my best friend (soon to be ex best friend) as jimin was straddling hoseok, their lips all over each other and a look of shock on their faces. "yoongi, when did you-" jimin starts to speak but i cut him off. "you're unbelievable..and with MY best friend? hoseok what the fuck!?" he doesn't look at me.

"we're done." i slammed the door, getting out of jimin's house. so much for trying to surprise my boyfriend for our two year anniversary. i could hear jimin calling my name from inside but i ignored it instead and got into my car, proceeding to drive away. fuck him. fuck hoseok. fuck everyone.


i pulled over once i was a few blocks away and punched my steering wheel, accidentally honking. my chest ached all over and tears had finally rolled down my cheeks. there was this unexplainable feeling that i had inside and it made me want to vomit.

i aggressively got out of my car and threw up in the middle of the road, pulling at my hair. i couldn't erase the images of them in jimin's bed. the bed I used to sleep in with jimin.

so yes, my depressive episodes happened for two weeks straight until one day i woke up and got a text from hoseok. i wondered why i didn't block him from texting or calling me but i had already read the text and told him i would meet them at lunch later today. don't ask me why i made such an idiotic decision because i myself do not know. maybe it was because i felt i needed some kind of explanation as to why i wasn't good enough or maybe jimin would pull the "its not you, it's me" card so i could feel better about myself and jimin could feel less guilty about cheating on me. did he even feel guilty?

time seem to go by quickly as the bell had signalled that it was time for lunch. i dragged myself to the cafeteria, not prepared for whatever hoseok and jimin wanted to say to me.

they were already seated nervously at my table and i had to roll my eyes because they were looking at me with pity written all over their faces. this only made me angrier because they acted as if they weren't the people that fucked up everything.

"yoongi," hoseok starts and i notice him gulp and their hands enveloped in each others. i raise my brow for him to continue. "this might mean nothing to you at this point and you might hate us right now and im sure there's no chance of you forgiving us but we're so sorry and we just want to tell you that jimin and i have been seeing each other for a month now and we want to be together." the silence seems to do wonders on them as i stared blankly at the table.

jimin also says, "i feel terrible for the two years you've spent loving me and-" i laughed. i laughed like a lunatic and they flinch. i finally look at them and shocked myself and them by saying "you think you were the only person in my life that I've been seeing? I've been seeing someone else so don't think you're so special." hoseok frowned and i know this is him trying to pity me because i was so hurt that i had to lie about this fake relationship.

"n-no you haven't.." jimin looks hurt this time, looking into my eyes to try and find any sign that i was lying. "who is he?" hoseok suddenly asks and i know he was just trying to catch me lying but i replied casually with "he doesn't go here but he's thinking about transferring here sometime soon." hoseok still seemed like he didn't believe me one bit.

"what's his name?"

"don't worry about it." i tried to hide my true feelings by smirking and tapping my fingers on the table. jimin suddenly stands up and walks out of the cafeteria and hoseok still sits across from me. "i know you're lying because you're trying to hurt jimin like he hurt you and-"i scoffed. "don't kid yourself hoseok. i don't care if jimin is hurt," another lie. "we both cheated and he obviously never loved me during these two years so who's the real liar here?"

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