Chapter 17: Like Glass Dust

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Yoongi had gotten so sick and tired of staying in the hospital so he unplugged everything and threw the blankets off of him. He knew this was a stubborn move but he could not bare the loneliness anymore.

He limped away, hand at his side to help stop the throbbing pain below his ribs. The hospital was dead silent besides the sounds of the monitors coming from different rooms. He picked up his feet as he walked to make sure a nurse didn't find him trying to sneak out.

In the end, he finally made it through the exit and the feeling of the fresh air hit his face. He wanted to cry with the relief he felt.
Right now he didn't care whether or not this was safe because home was the only place he needed to be. He knew he couldn't afford these hospital bills and his parents would probably become more stressed because of him.

Speaking of Yoongi's parents, he got onto the city bus and the only thing on his mind was how heartless his parents were. He wanted to confront then for not showing up or calling to make sure he was okay. Surely nothing could be more important than their injured son who was on the brink of death.

He sat on the bus, looking around at the sad lonely people that stared into nothing. Some would cough to fill the silence, a few sleeping without a care in the world and having no destination.

Yoongi looked down at his own attire, feeling embarrassed for walking out with a
hospital gown on and small pieces of tape scattered across his skin where he ripped the needles from. He held his phone that was turned off in his hand. He couldn't stand the constant notifications going off even after he deleted all social media.

Right now, he knows he should've seen all of this coming but it still hurt, nonetheless. He should've known Taehyung was just playing his part and it was his own fault for misunderstanding him.

Taehyung was a great actor.

Yoongi laughed at the stupid words in head until he sniffled and blinked away the tears. Jungkook's words were bouncing around in his head.

I really should've known.

Jungkook also loves Taehyung.

I was nothing to Taehyung compared to Jungkook.

Even the images of the two being happy together made him angry and upset with no one but himself. He hated his emotions so much right now.

It seemed liked ages before the bus stopped at the right location and Yoongi was quick to get off. He sped walked to his house all while trying to keep his composure from the pain shooting through his side. He knocked but there was no answer.

He knocked again and the outcome was the same. He walked around to the side of the house and knocked on every window. "Mom! Dad! Hello?" He called out, causing his neighbors to switch on their lights.

Finally, the door swung open and his Dad came to view. His hair was disheveled, eyes droopy with dark eye bags and the strong smell of alcohol emitted from the man. "Who's there!" Yoongi limped to his Dad and stared at him angrily.

"Where's Mom?" His Dad scoffed, looking around in disbelief. "She left us!" He shouts and Yoongi thinks this was just one of his drunkard shenanigans he plays all the time. "I'm serious. We're getting a divorce and she left us!" Before Yoongi could attempt to quiet the man, he stopped in his tracks and balled his Dad's shirt up. "What did you just say?"

"She's gone. She doesn't love us." If Yoongi didn't feel broken already, he was definately glass dust. He didn't bother trying to confirm everything with his Dad because he rushed inside and screamed for his Mom and barged into every room only to find all her things gone. "Mom!" Yoongi trashed everything, throwing all the picture frames of what was once their somewhat
happy family. His Dad steps in and tries to shake Yoongi back to his senses. "You did this! You made her leave!"

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