Chapter 19: The Reveal

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In the midst of all the chaos, Namjoon had been ordered to investigate who had given information to the press about Taehyung and Jungkook when the incident happened. It was pretty easy to receive intel from money hungry reporters who are desperate for any story, whether true or false. One of the reporters though were pretty stubborn with Namjoon, thinking he could milk out more money from the bodyguard but the man was having none of it.

"You either take what I am giving you or you face a lawsuit and see how much money you'll be losing. Now, we can do this the easy way or the hard way and I'm really leaning towards the latter just because my patience is running thin." Namjoon showcased an innocent smile but behind that innocent smile was a man who probably wouldn't give two shits if this reporter's life was ruined just by the snap of a finger from the Kim's.

The reporter gulped, suddenly sitting up from his seat and looking through the information he had on his computer. "Uh, the photograph was sent in anonymously from a random number. We never got their information so we just took the picture."

Namjoon leaned over at the text displayed on the screen and the pictures of Taehyung and Jungkook. "Okay, well I'm going to need you to track down that number." Namjoon wrote down the number in a note pad just in case.

"Sir, we can't do that without-"

"Yes, you can. Listen, Minhyunk, is it? We don't need to make this as complicated as it needs to be. Bring your boss for all I care and I'm sure once they hear the Kim's name he'll be saying the same thing I'm telling you to do." Minhyuk shakily took the mouse in his hand and got to work with tracking down the anonymous person.

Namjoon smirked, happy his intimidating facade worked. A moment had passed and Minhyuk would side eye Namjoon a few times before flinching at the fact that the bodyguard was confidently staring right back.

"This might take a while." He says and Namjoon pulls up a chair. "I have time."

Namjoon staying true to his word waited almost an hour before Minhyuk finally found the information on the person. "This phone number is registered under Kim Jungwoo."

"Kim Jungwoo?" Namjoon repeated, trying to remember if he's ever heard the unfamiliar name. "Dial it." Namjoon demands and just as the reporters was about to complain, he remembered who he was talking to and complied.

"Hello?" Someone picked up and the reporters cleared his throat before speaking. "Uh, yes, is this Kim Jungwoo?"

"Who's asking?" The male voice asked, suspicion evident in his voice. "Sir, I'm calling from Seoul news," His eyes darted to Namjoon who mouthed the words "Keep him on the line" while doing something else with his own laptop.

"What is it?" Jungwoo asked with a nervous tone evident in his voice. "So we have some questions regarding the picture you sent in." Minhyuk looks over at Namjoon and continues.

"I noticed we don't have you credited for the pictures you've sent so we just want to make sure we have the correct name?"

"I don't want to be credited. I sent those pictures anonymously for a reason. If that's all then-"

"No, wait!" Minhyuk suddenly shouts without thinking and tries to come up with something fast before the man starts suspecting the reasoning behind this phone call. Namjoon quickly navigates his way to tracking down the phone until finally it picks up a location. He lets out a smile of satisfaction and puts his thumbs up as a signal for Minhyuk to end the call.

"Uh, I understand now. Thank you." He ends the call and stares at the computer that the body guard shuts. "What did you do?"

"I got the location. Thank you Minhyuk, couldn't have done it without you." He gives the reporter a squeeze at his shoulder causing him to flinch in fear.

Namjoon took off, locating the current location Kim Jungwoo was at. He drove through a run down neighborhood, noticing that people were staring at the expensive car. Reaching his destination, he made sure to lock the car before walking up the steps to a bricked apartment complex. He knocked on the door with no hesitation, ignoring all the curious eyes of the neighborhood. "Coming!" A male voice calls out.

A small boy open the door, his neck turned upward to look at the six foot tall man standing in the doorway. "Who are you?" He asks and just as Namjoon was going to introduce himself, the door flung open and now there was another older guy pulling the boy behind him. "What did I tell you about opening the door for strangers?" The younger giggled and ran off somewhere. The guy looked up at Namjoon confused but then it suddenly hit him which caused him to attempt to close the door but Namjoon had stopped him.

"You must be Kim Jungwoo." He opens the door and allows himself in. "How did you find me?" Jungwoo backs away, fear taking over his face. "That's not the issue right now. Right now I want to know who put you up to this." Jungwoo looked shocked at the fact that Namjoon knew he didn't do this out of his own free will.

"How did you.."

"You know, on my way here I started thinking what kind of filthy rich bastard wants to ruin Kim Taehyung's image by exposing his private life? I realized right as I entered this neighborhood that you couldn't have possibly wasted your time on that. You have so many things to worry about, don't you?" Just as Namjoon finishes his sentence, a cough could be heard in the other room.

How did this man know? Jungwoo was more terrified that he knew more about him than he thought.

"Okay, I was paid to take those photos. I-I had no intention of hurting Taehyung. We go to the same school, but I've never actually spoken to him."

"Who paid you?"

"I can't say."

"Kim Jungwoo, there are far more important things in your life you should worry about. Fess up or forever live with that guilt of ruining someone else's life out of your own selfishness." Jungwoo looked down at the ground, struggling to look at Namjoon due to the unwanted tears.

"I-I didn't mean to."

"Well you did it and you knew the consequences of your actions. You've been trying to ignore that guilt, haven't you?"

"My grandmother is sick! She's the only guardian I have and they gave me ten thousand dollars to take those pictures and not say anything! Y-You have to understand! It's only me and my younger brother here trying to survive and there's no way we could afford those hospital bills!" Jungwoo began to cry which hit Namjoon's weak spot.

He hates to see someone cry, especially Yoongi. Curse his soft heart.

"Listen, you'll be okay under our protection. We'll even pay you double for what that person is giving you if you tell me who is behind this. Taehyung is having a hard time and so is everyone else." Jungwoo sniffled, wiping away his tears. His little brother peeks behind a corner as he hears the sound of his older brother crying.

"Hyung.." He gives his brother a hug and Jungwoo assures him he's okay.

"The person who paid me was Choi Yeonjun."

This chapter was really short!! I've been trying to update for a while but i went on a sudden writers block. Hopefully I have more ideas as to where I want this story to go so I can update faster. Also, guess who graduated!!! I'm finally free and I have so much free time on my hands. Thank you all so much for the comments last chapter! I'm so happy to see so much feedback and appreciation that it warms my heart. I'm so glad some of you are enjoying this book even though I have a lot I want to edit. I will be back soon!

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