Chapter 13: Busan-pt 3

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The sound of things being moved and the couch dipping by my feet woke me up. My eyes fluttered open, meeting Namjoon's form that was placing food carefully on the table and ever so slowly trying to not drop the hot bowl of oatmeal. He takes quick glance in my direction and smiles. "You're up. How're you feeling?" I sat up, throwing my legs on the ground and noticing the comfy blanket draped over me.

"Good, what time is it?"

"It's around ten o'clock. Here, eat some oatmeal." I obliged, picking up the spoon off the table and slouching over to take a bite. Namjoon pulls the table closer to us.

"So, do you wanna talk about last night?"

"It's nothing, I was just tired and didn't want to go all the way to my room." Namjoon gives me a suspicious look. "I don't buy it." He sets the spoon in the bowl and turns his body towards me. "Seokjin came looking for you last night and I told him you'll be sleeping in here. Did something happen between you two? Did he say anything wrong?"

He was too damn smart.

"No, we just had a little disagreement on something."

Crap, I needed to figure out what that something could be about or else Namjoon would call me out on my lie.



"!" What the hell is wrong with me? Baseball? Really?

Namjoon looked just as confused as I did and scratched his head. "So let me get this straight, you came in my room all upset because you and seokjin got into a disagreement...over baseball?" I took a bite of my oatmeal. "Mhm."

The body guard pinches the bridge of his nose as a sign of disappointment. "And here I was thinking of all the possibilities as to why you could be upset. You owe me for making me worried all night!" He points his finger in my face and I give him a guilty smile. "Sure, what is it?"

"You have to go to an aquarium with me!"


"You heard me, now go wash up and meet me in the lobby at eleven." He snatches my bowl of oatmeal and shoo's me off in a hurry.

Standing outside my room, I took a deep breath before opening it and seeing Seokjin sitting on his bed scrolling through his phone.

"Yoongi!" He stands up, placing his phone on the bed. "Look, I'm really sorry if I made you uncomfortable last night. I in no way ever wanted to make you feel like that. Also your secret is safe with me and I will never tell another soul." He looked down in shame which honestly made me feel so bad.

"It's okay. I'm so sorry about last night as well. I would totally love to get to know you better but I-"

"No, it's fine. You don't have to explain yourself. I totally respect that."

Curse me and my emotions. If my head wasn't all confused then I wouldn't let the chance go. Seokjin was a really respectful guy who also had everything I've ever wanted in a person. He fit my ideal type perfectly.

"We're going to have breakfast at Ryujin's if you'd like to join us."

"Thanks but I've already had breakfast and I'm going with Namjoon to the aquarium here in a few." I dug through the drawers and halting when I suddenly remembered something. "If Namjoon asks, we argued about baseball last night." Seokjin even thought that was a weird excuse.


"Hello, welcome to the Aquarium! Please take these brochures and it'll tell you all about these sea creatures while on your journey!" A woman hands us a blue brochure that had different types of fish labeled and provided information about each of them.

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