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Alice woke up in the enclosed padded room she had been forced into the night before.
The guards entering her room cautiously and releasing her hands from the imprisonment of the handcuffs.
She sighed and stood up as the guards ushered her out of the room and down the corridor to the dining hall.

The first thing she was going to do was find Nina.
She had to talk to her.
She searched for her in every place she knew Nina typically went to.
No luck.
Giving up, she entered the dining hall.
In the corner sat Nina, who looked at her, ashamed.

Nina quickly got up, beelining away from Alice.
Alice ran after her, catching up and pulling her aside.
"Why did you tell them anything? Can you not keep your mouth shut?" She quietly yelled.
Nina winced at the words being spoken, exhaling deeply.
The two girls stared at each other for a moment before Alice released her grasp.
Nina grabbed Alice's hand, leading her to her bedroom and sitting her down on the bed.
The guards noticed the scene and distantly followed behind them.
Nina took a deep breath.

"I'm so sorry Ali, I had to" she spoke softly, carefully grabbing her hands and touching their foreheads together.
She looked down, their foreheads still touching together slightly.
"I need to tell you something.." Nina trailed off in a whisper as tears fell from her eyes and onto her tinted cheeks.
Alice sat there patiently, her mind racing on what the blonde girl was about to tell her.
Before Nina could say another word, the guards busted aggressively through the door.
One of them grabbing Nina, the other Alice, pulling them apart from each other.
Alice watched as the heavyset guard threw Nina around and drug her to the door.
The other guard tightly holding Alice against him.
As Nina is pulled through the door, she struggled to get words out.
The guard kept trying to put his hand over her mouth to stop her.
She thrashed her head around, trying desperately to avoid the hand in front of her.
"Please keep him safe Ali" she managed to scream out.
It sounded muffled as if she were already down the corridor by now. "Don't let them hurt him"
Everything went quiet, Alice assuming the hand had won.
She stared at the doorway as the guard released his grip.
Shock filled her body.
What were they doing to her?
Although she didn't have time to think about that right now.
She had to get out of here.

Momma, I'm in love with a criminal Where stories live. Discover now