Chapter 1: why ever...

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Narrator's P.O.V
Princess Lucy Aqua looked up at the window as she was sitting on her bed. "Why ever am I like this..." She thought aloud.

Princess Juvia Aqua slammed open the bedroom door, swimming in with her beautiful glimmering tail, that was wagging just like a dolphin's.
"Lucy~" she called out. "Dinner is ready~"

"Coming..." Lucy said reluctantly.

"Ok... Juvia will go now. Make sure you come quickly, you know how father gets upset when your not with Juvia and the whole family." Juvia then swam back to the  royal dinning table.

"Ya, ya.." Lucy mumbled. She got up from her bed and looked in her tall mirror. She was wearing a shimmering pink top, with her glimmering tail to match with it. She had a pink sea shell clip on her hair, that shines brightly, even in the dark. "Why a mermaid.." She whispered to herself.

She then swam quickly to the dinning table before her father, King Jude Aqua, could get mad. She sat down quickly on her chair, and started eating the most finest air bubble food.

Air bubble food is a special food that magical mermaids (known to be godly) make for all mer-people to eat. Mer-people can't eat fish, because fish can talk to them, and are mer-people's friends. It is against their law to eat a fish, a friend!

"You know, I don't see why the 'council of the waters' gave the rights to humans to eat fish. It doesn't make sense. Especially when we call fish our friends," King Jude commented.

"Father, you do realize the council let human have a certain limit in eating fish each day, yes?" Princess Erza Aqua replied back.

"I know, I know, but I don't trust them. If they go to far, I swear, I'll argue with the council and start fighting with those filthy pigs."

"Father..." Lucy said, interrupting the conversation. "why are we not allowed to explore the outside world?"

King Jude slammed his hand on the table. Everyone became dead silent.

"Lucy..." He began, staring intently into her eyes, "The outside world is full of hate and revenge. Humans worst enemy are mermaids and mermen. If we interfere with them without them knowing, they'll either threaten or kill you. That is why we are not to go out there. That is why it is dangerous. Two mermaids went up there, both of them were killed, so don't yo-"

"And how many years ago do you think that was?!" Lucy interrupted. She got up and slammed the table with both her hands too, "one hundred and fifty years! Humans probably have changed their way of thinking by now!"

"No. In a hundred and fifty years, the outside world and the sea world has grown to hate each other more and more each day. Now stop arguing."

Lucy sighed as she sat down to eat her last air bubble. "Good night, father. Good night, sisters," she said as she swam away to her caged-like bedroom. She always slept early, so that she can prepare for  the mischievous thing she does every sunrise reflection.

Lucy's P.O.V

I woke up on my bed, yawning to start a brand new day. When I realized where I was, I quickly looked around. My three sisters were sleeping in a row of beds against the wall. Good, all my sisters are still asleep. I carefully opened the window that was next to my bed and swam outside, making sure my sisters wouldn't wake up. Father is wrong. I'll show him who's right. I closed the window so that they wouldn't  suspect that much, and swam away. I swam so far away from the trapped-like kingdom, and went high up to a secret tunnel that led me to the shore. I sat on the sand with my tail still under water and took a deep breath. I was about to look up, until I noticed something. I saw something that would change my life, and give me a chance to make my forbidden wish come true,


HUMAN feet. I think this might have been the first time I saw them. I look up, legs, shorts, t-shirt, arms, face... It was a boy. Around my age, 16, 17...

I just stood still. I can't believe it! Right in front of me, is a human being. "Uhh.. Umm.." My voice shook. The boy, who also was in complete  shock, kneeled down next to me. My face and his face, we're so close... He had beautiful onyx- green eyes, with an uncommon pink hair. I have to be honest, he's cute...

But from the cute wonderful face, it turned into a rage of anger. It was almost like there were fire in his eyes, and his hair became prickly with his mood.

"GET OUT OF HERE, YOU CREEP," he hissed.

This was no nice guy. He's a human, full of hatred for mermaids and mermen. I can't believe it. Father was right... Tears were streaming down my face as I swam back to where I really belong: the trapped Aqua kingdom.

If only I wasn't a mermaid ~a NaLu fanfic~Where stories live. Discover now