14. Memory lane

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Note: Double length chapter and then some- you're welcome! :)


As I studied all the possible ways of turning this old machine on I heard the creak of the old steel stairs crack and pop with the shifting weight. Olive green registered in my processor as I seen the gentle giant of an Autobot hurry down the stairs, followed by one impatient orange and white doctor.

"This is it, okay, this is really happening." Ratchet huffed, his servos on his hips. "We have about 20 minutes to set this all up and shut it all down. Let's get to work."

The three of them worked in the dark before the monitor turned on with the noted rumble of said machine roaring back to life. The small victory didn't last long as the both of us jumped on the cold metal slabs, Bulkhead setting the machine up as he followed the keen instructions.

"It'll be okay." Ratchet whispered to me, making sure I was comfortable. "This is the big moment we've been waiting for."

I smiled at the glowing mech, happy to finally see this whole thing for myself. Maybe now I can understand what happened to me more after I wake up.

"Remember Y/D, the patch machine works in funny ways. You're going to be entering my mind, so the present day me won't be there because of the timeline, but young me will. Just fill me in."

I nodded, shifting back to lay down.

"Okay, you're set to enter stasis in a few seconds. I'm going to monitor you both and when I feel the need to pull the plug, well, then you'll wake up." Bulkhead said down to us as I itched my helm. The machine started beeping as Bulkhead plugged the wires in the back in the correct places. I looked towards the mech looking at me, both of our optics started to drift, and then there was white.


"Whelljack! Elert the kids to tell them tha-" Optimus cut his words off as a clang of two swords by both fraction leaders had him blown back.

"I...I understand!" Wheeljack yelled back, no time for comm link connections between each other out there. As the ex-wrecker started to get swarmed with 'cons he quickly held his base-line commlink.

"Kids" He exclaimed, having the three kids run to the monitors in an instant from waiting around so long. "Open Bulkhead's private comm. Tell 'em he's got 'company' coming, he'll know what that means."

He quickly shut his comm to prevent the sword slicing from scaring them, getting back to work in a matter of seconds.

Miko, along with the other two standing right behind her, heard him nice and clear. They worked together to hit the bright red button in the middle of the monitor, of course on delay from their small size.


Once the white fizzled away, I found myself standing in a classroom. The cybertronian sun sparkled in my optics as I pushed it away with my servos, looking around for Ratchet.

"Class will start in two kliks, take your seats." The professor announced, snapping my helm around the second I felt a tap on my shoulder.

Ratchet smiled eagerly, patting the desk of the two closest seats. He didn't give me a chance to speak before he himself did. "I saved you a seat today, wouldn't want a repeat of yesterday. I was so loney on the lower deck."

I stood puzzled before I remembered Ratchet's words to me before we both went under. Although this was Ratch, it wasn't present day Ratch. I also took note to how young he looked. No battle scars or rusty paint; no not yet.

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