4. Nightmare

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Note: Double chapter. Also, a fair warning for some depressing thoughts and actions :(


Miko's words ran through the orange doctor's helm like a bullet, tossing and turning in his berth, upturning the cold sheets. He retired to recharge way earlier than he normally should, once again. The kids were sleeping all already, curled up in their warm blankets and feather pillows all sprawled out in the living area of base.

The looks of what appears to a be a cold sweat ran down his hot metal, condensation forming on his forehelm from the atmosphere. He was trapped in another one of his nightmares.

Only this time, this certain nightmare was once a reality.


"Ratch, honey I'm scared." The panic was prominent in his Sparkmate's voice as she clung to his arms, both of them cramped and tucked inside a one-bot only pod. He knew she was scared as she admitted it, Ratchet knowing his sparkmate all too well when she stubbornly breaks and admits her feelings to him like this. And that terrified him; because usually she was the strong one.

He held her in his strong arms as shots were fired everywhere, the horrible sound of penetrating metal and the primus-awful screeches and cries of pain echoed even through the thick rim of the pod's glass anterior.

"Shh shh shh, focus on me love" He quietly mouthed to her, his voice lowered to calm her haywire nerve senses. She nodded as her grip stiffened, the pod preparing for launch as he soothingly carresed the back of her helm, gently allowing her to lay on his chest plates all the while shielding her from the terrors and homicidal threats beyond the glass.

At first it was him pushing her into the pod, but there was no way she would budge to leave him. A lifetime without him was no life at all. The only way she would consider his proposition was if he came with her, no matter the size of the pod or it's capacity.

He eventually agreed, losing his pride to defend the war further as he cared about his sparkmate so much more, hopping in with her and taking off on the path Optimus developed for all scattering bots to join again.

Finally, the pod gravitated upwards, the Decepticons all turning as a series of shots fired it's way. The orange medic had faith in the thick bullet-proof glass, but just in case, covered his lover's helm with his servo.

"Come on, come on." Ratchet muttered, sighing as he both felt and seen the pod fully lift off and disappear from their homeworld.

He gently kissed the top of her helm as he smiled. "Oh thank Primus."

Y/D sighed as well, shifting a little in the small pod as she still clung to him, moving to quickly kiss his cheekplates.

"What is it?" Ratchet asked, knowing something was bothering her besides what they just witnessed in their great escape.

"I don't know, the whole idea of starting new on a whole different planet freaks me out. I know it'll be okay, I'm just still in shock that this all happened so fast."

He gently rubbed her backstruts, trying to relive at least a little of her stress. He too was stressed, probably more than his lover but he hid it well.

"We're safe, that I can live with. And I'm ready to take the challenge on if you are, we don't really have much of a choice anyways..." He said wholesomely as he laughed, trying to make his sparkmate smile, in which she did.

Y/D smiled up to him, taking the time to admire his optics and the calm gesture behind his madness. He noticed, cracking his own smile back to match hers.

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