10. Remembrance

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Ratchet took the worrysome femme's servo and led her over to his monitor. So much to say; so little time.

"Y/D..." He didn't know where to start.

The femme sat down on the stool next to his chair, watching the old tapes continue to play on. There they were together on Cybertron, smiling and holding onto each other. She bit her digit.

"Why can't I remember you Ratchet? This doesn't make any sense and clearly that's me in that video with no recollection. There has to be an explanation for my memory loss."

"There is." He said in a broken tone, swallowing a sigh as he looked up to her through teary optics, remembering back to where their downfall all started.

"We crammed into an escape pod together, as Cybertron started to fall and crumble. I hesitated but I probably wouldn't be here right now if I didn't. Well, we crashed and you...you didn't make it. I buried you here on Earth and lived a life of sadness without you, Y/D. I've lived with the pain of our sparkbond for so many years until I recently...cut it off. I didn't know what I was thinking at the time but I had you on my mind and I wanted you to rest. I-I didn't know if I was keeping you from joining with the Allspark and the pain was burning my spark and so I just exploded and-"

Ratchet was rambling on with their chronological events as the fem sat there silently, trying her best to remember at least a little of something from what he was describing from before but it was no use. She darted to the videos every now and again playing softly in the background, seeing both of their youthful frames dance around each other.

"-when I cut it off, what we all assumed happened was that the sparkbond was powerful enough to 'shock' you back to life. So whatever I did effected us in some way. If I let the sparkbond continue on you would've never awakened, and-"

"-and if you cut the bond off, I would have awakened but without my memories." She filled in, bowing her helm as she looked to the ground.

"I believe that's the only thing that makes sense for what happened, yes." He said sadly. "Without you awake to back up your memory data banks, in your stasis the memories must of had no choice but to erase themselves as the bond started to disappear, making you...lose me..."

She raised her helm, looking to the weeping mech beside her. She placed her servo on his lap, the silence in the room taking over as he slowly looked over to her touch.

"But Ratch, don't feel guilty for your actions. I'm alive again, and I would still be dormant without you. Granted it's not in the best circumstances, but it's a great step into figuring this all out."

"Figuring what out?" He replied, holding his helm in his servos as he looked straight into her optics. "Y/D I messed up more than once. I messed up you, I messed up myself, what's there to figure out now? It's a waiting game for the inevitable, whatever that may be."

"There's gotta be a way to reverse this." She said calmly, standing up. "I may not remember the old you, but I know the present you and I swear to Primus Ratchet you're a great mech. I know why I fell In love with you. You've shown me support and help for me his time that i've been here without putting yourself first. Jeez, I didn't even know you were holding all that guilt in!"

Y/D was excited, increasing the volume in her tone as she held his servo with his. "What I am trying to get at is this: I want to remember us."

He sadly sighed. "Y/D-"

"Nothing is impossible, Ratch. Let's brainstorm for a moment, please?" She smiled to him, her servo lingering now on his shoulder-plating. He looked up to her, smiling at her aura. He missed her something terrible and when she smiled, he would see her as he did previously, her youthful self, both full of confidence and energy, started to shimmer through.

"Of course, I will do anything and everything in my willpower." He said quietly, saddened by the fact that there probably wasn't much to be done.

They both though in silence for a few, thinking about some possibilities. "How about electric therapy?"

"Are you crazy? No."

"Maybe there's a certain type of medicine or pharmaceutical?"

"I'm a Doctor, Y/D. I'm sure I would have tried everything by now if there was such a thing. All of the research for these types of things were lost in the war back on Cybertron. All books were destroyed and datapads demolished and swept clean. Billions of years' work from the older generations are gone as well."

The femme huffed, her servo on her chin. "Ya know, if only you can like, see into my helm or something. I think that way you'd see a better vision of what I'm able to see and recognize, because I swear I can remember little bits and pieces of us. I woke up before and told Optimus about what I thought was a memory, I can't be so sure but-"

"Waitwaitwait, Y/D." Ratchet cut her ramble off. "You...remember something?"

"Well, I mean I think I do. It was a blur, but we were in a field and you handed me a little red flower. Does that kinda ring a bell?"

"By the Primes." He said low, holding his breath as he chuckled. "Yes, yes that happened!"

"Hold on." He added, moving over to his video tapes. Shuffling through them, he found the memory he thought she was describing, popping it in and allowing it to load. Once it shower up, she gasped.

"I remember this, you smile at
me." And just like that, Ratchet smiled through the video. "This memory is what prompted me to ask Optimus about us. Can I see the rest? Maybe it'll jumpstart my memory further."

Ratchet agreed, grabbing his box as he looked through the ones he'd think impact her the most. Lunar Picnic - solar cycle 209, Cyber solstice - solar cycle 128, The fesitval of Primes - both solar cycle 145 & 146 versions. So many memories to choose from.

But soon none of them mattered as the doctor gasped, almost dropping his precious box to the ground.

"The cortical psychic patch, how could I forget about that."

"What's that?" The curious femme bent to look at him in the chair.

"It's a device used to look into memories by shared minds, if we connect to it our memories might be able to sync."

"Seriously? Oh Ratch, that might do it!" Y/D said happily. "Well what are we doing? Pull the bad boy out already."

"Just one thing." He semi-chuckled, smile fading. "It's sort of in the Decepticon's possession. We'd have to sneak on board their ship and use it. I know the other Autobots would back us up, but for you and for your memory I'm willing to risk anything. I'm in if you're in."

"You kidding me? Of course I'm in."


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