chapter 11: encounter and friends

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Chapter 11: encounter and friends

Doyoung POV

"Fuck my life, why is there a need for me to transfer to this goodamn school. My life has been very good when I was in my old school because there are many hot boys. Well I really don't like boys specifically speaking, but I do ship them. And I don't think that this school has-

ahhhhhhhhhh, those two guys looks good together. He exclaimed after seeing hyunsuk and Jihoon together. " I wonder who's the top and bottom". "Could it be that small boy( referring to Hyunsuk) is the bottom and that tall- masculine guy ( referring to jihoon)  the top? " Ahhhhhhhhhh I'm going crazy right nowwww!!!!!" He was talking to himself while seriously staring at sukhoon couple. " Well I need to befriend them to see more of those cute moments".

Doyoung  went to them. He introduced himself to them.

Doyoung: Hi my name is Doyoung and I am a transferee.

Jihoon looked at him.

Jihoon: Ohhh Hi there. I am Jihoon and this is my boyfriend Hyunsuk.

Doyoung: Your boyfri--

Hyunsuk: Yes and got a problem?

Doyoung was nervous because of the tension that hyunsuk released. Jihoon then comforted Hyunsuk by tapping his shoulder.

Hyunsuk: S-sorry, I was just ready to defend him so you might not judge us.

Doyoung: It's not that, actually before I came here, your chemistry caught my attention and I found that it was cute. Doyoung awkwardly replied.

Hyunsuk was embarrassed because of what he did.

Hyunsuk: Ahh Sorry Doyoung.

Doyoung: No problem.

Jihoon: By the way, what section are you in?

Doyoung: section  ----

Jihoon: Owww, same section with my friends, we can walk you there!!

Doyoung: Really?!! That's so kind of you..

Jihoon: Of course, well no problem..

They walked until they reached his classroom. After walking him there, they returned to their respective room.

When Doyoung came into the room, all eyes was nailed to him.  The teacher noticed him.

Teacher: Are you the new student transferee?

Doyoung: Y-yes.

Teacher: Come in, introduce yourself.

Doyoung went inside the room, to the front, and introduced himself.

Doyoung; Hello everyone, I am Doyoung. Please take care of me.

He can clearly hear the girls murmuring how cute he is.  He already knew that. But in his mind " sorry baby girls, I only admire hot guys". His thoughts were cut-off when the teacher asked him to sit beside a certain guy named Jaehyuk.

Jaehyuk is a guy who is silent but he is so loud when he is with his friends. He noticed that this transferee guy is so cute. With his chubby pink cute cheeks, perfect shaped lips that he wants to  kiss. " What?!! Kiss?!??..... Well going back to observing doyoung, he has this button-like nose that he was eager to touch and a perfect slender waist that he wished he could grip.

Doyoung on the other hand was irritated because of the obvious staring of him by Jaehyuk. He was intimidated, but he loves it. He has seen so many hot guys in their schools before but nobody can be compare than him. His dark eyes which resembles of that galaxy, his broad shoulder, and his manly scent that drives him so crazy. He was in utter amazement when he list in his mind the characteristics of Jaehyuk.

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