Chapter 10

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"I do" M/n said and kissed the groom.

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"Congratulations Zephyr" one of the higher-ups said.

Zephyr thanked the person and go to the stage.

"Now that I'm married, I would like to drop my position as the ruler of sky city"

"You can't do that"
"What a shame"
"I would actually do the same if I will get married, I mean how can you take care of your wife" the crowds said, some are don't agreeing with this and some are cool with it.

Zephyr walked beside M/n with a proud face and kind of a smirk?

"Why would you do that?" M/n asked.

"Too piss off my father, Look at his face, he's totally pissed off, it's so satisfying right?" Zephyr said with a cheerful face.

M/n looked at the emperor just to saw the emperor gritting his teeth and clenching his hand not trying to cause a scene, M/n looked at Zephyr cheerfully smiling at the emperor and raise his hand to give the emperor a middle finger, M/n panicked and pull Zephyr's hand down.

"M/n?" Adrian said.


"You're a party popper, I'm enjoying the moment" Adrian said.

"I agree, it's amusing to see father pissed off like that, and my brother who used to be calm act like that" Everest said behind Adrian.

"Well now that the show has ended I may go back now, congrats M/n" Everest said and walked off to talk to other guess.

"I shall go now too, congrats, and don't let him drink too much he doesn't know how to control" Adrian said and walked off too.

M/n watched his newlywed husband from afar making sure he don't touch any wine, then suddenly someone covered his eyes.

Zephyr suddenly run and take the hands off to M/n.

"Ouch!" M/n heard the man and turned around M/n stopped Zephyr, and Zephyr noticed the mark on the man's wrist.

"That hurts!" Ai said and rubbed his wrist around.

"Ai! Are you ok? Is it broken? Do you need to go to the hospital? Answer me Ai!" Lucien said (more like nag).

"I'm fine, I can heal it see" Ai showed his fully healed wrist.

"I would appreciate it if you watch your actions, Mr. Ai" Zephyr said.

"Wow you didn't even apologize, but since I'm a good person, I will forgive you" Ai said.

"And you! You didn't even tell me about this, I thought we're friends" Ai said with tears in his eyes making M/n panicked.

"I'm sorry, I don't have enough time, forgive me please"

"I forgive you not only because you're my only friend" Ai said.

"How did you even know that I'm marrying someone, and how did you come here?" M/n asked.

"Of course because of the great Lucien" Ai said proudly.

"You can just remove the 'great'"

"You did come to the party, I'm glad" Beru also know as the emperor came up to Lucien, with Anthony on his back.

"Now can we talk in more private shall we?" Beru said but Zephyr stopped them.

"Father, can you please talk later, I haven't thanked Lucien properly"

"That's not how you talk to your own father my son, and watch your manners when your talking to me young man" Beru said and politely drag Lucien on more private place.

"What's going on?" M/n and Ai said in unison.

"Father is planning to arrange a marriage on Lucien and Anthony, although he wants Lucien to marry Asher, but luckily he can't" Zephyr explained.

"But why?" Ai asked.

"Ai did you ever wonder why do I got married in the first place?"

"Cause you love him?"

"Not yet, and my father is power hungry, and us dragons can see the amount of mana by it's light, how bright the light is the stronger the mana, so when dragons looked at the person's mana that is close to being a god we probably blind by now, and you and M/n's mana are brighter than everybody else, and Lucien's mana are brighter than other higher-ups, he wants to have the name of the strongest family in the history" Zephyr explained.

"Now that I think about it, is that the reason why mother disappeared?" Everest said.

"Mother is a great fairy they say, she even beat that one golem herself" Adrian said.


"Now Lucien, this is Anthony a recessive omega, my brother, I would like you to teach him basic sorcery, only if you want to" Beru politely told Lucien, Lucien got the hint of Beru wanting to pair his brother to him, Lucien then looked at Anthony to see his uncomfortable face it clearly said that he doesn't want this.

Lucien was actually shocked seeing the eldest, some rumors said that the eldest dragon is a lazy and irresponsible alpha, because he never appeared on any royal parties, he doesn't even appeared in the family's party, like Beru's wedding, no one actually knew this person's face, some of the family have forgotten about this dragon.

But the most shocking new to Lucien that this dragon is an omega, a recessive omega, which is understandable why they hide the dragon because every royal family hide their omega child or more worst abandon or sold them. He knew that because they sometimes sold their own children to Lucien or his brother.

Because an omega child always stain their family name, which is funny because their own wives are omega, and being treated like some god.

"He can change other people's opinion if he became the first omega to have a position other than a queen in the kingdom, looking at his mana it's not bad, but Ai's and M/n's mana are stronger" Lucien thought, Lucien thought about this deeper.

"Glad to meet the mysterious oldest son, nice to meet you Anthony the dragon of the galaxy" Lucien extended his arm to shake hands with Anthony, Anthony hesitate and shake his hand.

"I would gladly teach him some basic sorcery, and I won't agree on marrying him" Lucien then walked off.

Anthony nervously looked at his younger brother to see Beru gritting his teeth in anger.

"You're so fucking useless huh? I'm ashamed to be your younger brother" Beru said and walked off, Anthony looked down trying his best not to tear up.

"It's fine, I should be used to this, I heard worse than that" Anthony walked into his room to kill some time.

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