Chapter 5

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Ai and Cyrus went to the back of the cafe.

"So what do you want to talk about?" Ai asked and crossed his arms.

"Be my husband" Cyrus said bluntly making Ai's eyes widen.

"What the- we didn't even knew each other"

"Doesn't matter"

"It does matter, you can't just ask a random stranger to be your lover"

"I can and I will"

"That's consider as forcing a person, you know that right"

"I know, and don't care"

"I can't be with you"

"Why not, I'm a prince, a ruler, and I'm rich"

"Doesn't matter, I don't want to live in a castle"

"Then let's live in a small house"

"I still can't be with you, as much as I want to"

"Wha-" Cyrus ask with a smile on his face.

"I said I can't be with you, it's too dangerous to be your husband"

"How do you say that?"

"You do know that you have a lot of simps, that will literally do anything to have you"

"What's you point?"

"The point is they can kill me"

"Not if you're with me"

"Omfg fine just fine"

"What's the point of making the conversation long, if you're just gonna say yes"

"Shut up" and with that Ai went inside the cafe and continue to work.

Cyrus then went off and check the other shops and take a sip.

" Too sweet...."

"CYRUS!!!" a pretty girl yelled Cyrus's name and wave.

"What are you doing here?"


"I have a fiance"

"And it's right infront of you"

"How many times do I have to tell you I won't get married to you, even if it's my mother who arrange this marriage, I have my own choice"

"I'm the most powerful and successful ruler, how can you not married to me"

"It's because we're not the fated pair"

"So you're telling me that you have a fated pair?"

"I have and we're gonna get married in a few weeks"

"Whatever" the girl said and rolled her eyes and walked away.

Meanwhile with M/n:

M/n is busy giving the sweets for the royal kids, then something glowed in his back.

Zephyr saw this and take off his coat and put it around M/n.

"Father is here, he hates having a submessive's scent while in the middle of marking"

"Marking!? What does that means?"

"I'll tell you after we go outside"

After the two got outside, they went to the garden.

"So what do you mean by marking?"

"By the looks of it, it looks like a bond between friends" Zephyr said touching his mark.

"Oh ok, so what do you mean by submessive? I ain't submessive"

"You do know you're a sub right?"


"I can't believe a grown up man, still don't know his secondary gender"


"Here" Zephyr summon a book give him a book.

"What is this?"

"A book about secondary gender" and with that Zephyr walks off, of course not without covering his pheromones and scent in M/n's body.

Then M/n read the book.

"Didn't know this is an omegaverse" M/n said and continue reading, then he found the most interesting part.

Betas can still be pregnant if it's a sub.

"What the.......... Frick?"

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