Chapter 20: the wedding

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I stood in the dressing room next to Charlie,
"I love this dress!" She said twirling in the mirror trying to look at the perfect angle
"You look so beautiful and look at Amy!" I said whilst Amy walked out with her blue satin dress
"Oh sweetie you look so pretty" Charlie held her in her arms
"You know Charlie I kind of want to tell Goose about it" I said
"You should you can't hide it forever and I know he wants to be a father."

The ceremony was beautiful, the white decorations decked the walls and confetti filled the air. The after-party had drinks, food and even music obviously Goose asked for them to play 'fireball' as we all know he loves that song, when Maverick and Charlie were talking me and Goose were dancing.
"Hey love can u help me fix my blazer it feels weird" Goose asked arkwardly
"Of course" I said laughing
"Don't you remember our wedding it was so beautiful, my first time seeing you in a dress, you looked stunning" goose said looking up in the air, all I could think of was kissing him so I pulled his tie, which meant  we were so close I could feel his breath on my cheeks "my love," he said kissing me "you look beautiful today."

After the wedding Goose and iceman had to go to viper's office because of the fight a couple of weeks before, I figured it wasn't a good time to tell Goose about our child, so I waited and waited but no sign of him. I sat in our room, stressing,
"Girl calm down I'm sure he'll be back soon" Charlie said trying to comfort me, I opened the curtains to see the pitch black foreground,
"Come on it's already dark, I'm going out I bet it's iceman and his bullshit" I said grabbing my coat "and I'm bringing Maverick."

I slammed open the door and saw Maverick waiting,
"I got your call, let's go" Maverick said looking firm. We ran and ran until we heard muffled shouting,
"Damn I wonder what 'shitman' has to offer now" I said panting,
"I don't wanna find out" Maverick replied. Thats when I saw it, Goose lying on the ground unconscious and Iceman standing above him with a smirk, I wanted to punch iceman so hard but all I could focus on was Goose so me and Maverick agreed, he would beat the hell out of iceman and I could tend to Goose. I brought goose away from the fighting and layed him down on my coat,
"Goose, honey you have to wake up" I said brushing his face with my hand, I could see his eyes trying hard to open until he finally said
"Love? What are you doing here?"
"It doesn't matter right now" I said hugging him, I had tears in my eyes
"Don't cry Hun, I'm ok" he then held me and we slept on the grass. I didn't care how many bugs would crawl I just cared that goose was ok.

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