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    Harry logged onto his computer in his broadcasting room. Most of his bruises had healed for the most part, so he just put some make up on and he looked normal. He was hoping chat wasn't too hard on him for leaving for a week.

    He decided to put on his pink lingerie (as shown in the picture above, but you know, with a dick in it) because the pervs go crazy for that shit. He also thought he looked good in it, which he did. He got on the bed that his desk and computer was stationed in front of. He clicked the start button.

    "I missed you, daddy." Harry said, sitting in a 'w' position. The chat flooded with 'finally' and 'I miss you too'.

"I checked the toys you sent me, I thought you'd like to see me cry them out." He said, pulling a medium sized box into the frame of the camera. He pulled out 3 things. A small controlled vibrating dildo, a vibrating stroker, and two nipple clamps.

    "I'm so happy you sent these, daddy. Will you let me pleasure myself with them?" Harry asked, his eyes flickered to chat. His face turned to excitement when he saw most of them say 'yes'. He caressed his own skin.

"What shall we play with first? Or all at once?" He saw chat go with the latter option.

    He slowly put the nipple clamps on, moaning out 'daddy' dramatically just to turn his viewers. I guess it was working, judging by how his chat was going crazy. He turned the vibrator on and rubbed it all over himself.

"Not there." He moaned, throwing his head back as he put the vibrator on his tip. He turned it off and looked straight at the camera, biting his lip. He held the vibrating stroker. He rubbed the cold metal onto his cock slowly, moaning out. Once it encased his whole dick, he turned it on the lowest setting. The metal began vibrating on his tip. 

    He worked the dildo into his pink and puckered hole (bitch wtf). He moaned out loudly. His entrance wasn't very stretched, seeming he'd had taken a break because of his injuries.

"Can I start moving, daddy? Please!" He ask into the camera. The chat filled with 'go on' and 'yes'.

The broadcast went on for another hour and by the end of it, Harry was a whining, overstimulated mess.

He said bye to chat and turned his computer off, going straight to the bathroom to take a shower.

While he was in the shower, he decided to go through the comments on his stream that night.

KellyP72: that was so amazing even though he was saying daddy, I just imagined it as mommy!

Harry thought it was so weird that a straight woman was watching his streams. I mean, he did say 'daddy' a lot, hinting that it's meant for the male audience. He just shrugged it off.

Ilovecurly69: good job, Curly! I enjoyed your streams as per usual and I'm hoping to watch you again soon.

Comments like that are what drove Harry to keep going. They were so nice and just felt the need to express that to him and he was thankful for every single one.

Louis91: I loved your stream tonight, I sent you a little something this time ;) I hope you'll stream again soon.

    Harry blinked a few times at the name.

    There was no way in actual hell that was HIS Louis though, right? I mean. How many people out there in the world name's are also Louis?

     Exactly, a lot. Harry tried to relax.

     Louis was straight as a ruler (a bendy ru-), right? Right. Why would he watch some kinky twink fuck around with himself on camera just for pure enjoyment and sometimes money?

     Harry decided to toss his phone to the counter and actually wash himself off instead of just being on his phone.

Once he was out, he put on boxers and a hoodie and went straight to bed, trying to keep his head blank.

Louis lay awake.

It made sense kind of. I mean, none of it made complete sense judging the fact the kid he bullied might be his favorite cam boy ever that he got off to him every time he streamed, but the part about Harry being CurlyCamwhore.

    His hypothesis is that Curly hadn't streamed because of his injuries he sustained from Andy. If he did stream, his viewers would be worried and make a big deal. Even thought they already made a big deal that he took a week off.

    Or he was wrong. Way off. Maybe Curly just needed some time off or wasn't feeling it for a while. Or away from home and thought he'd be located by his background.

    Louis had no idea what to believe. He didn't want to believe that Harry was his ultimate favorite streamer. He'd bullied him his whole life, it would be hella embarrassing.

    But he always wanted Harry to be his ultimate favorite streamer. Maybe he would be able to explain himself and be his friend. It would make things super weird but at least they would be friends.

    All this thinking made his head hurt. He just needed to go to sleep. He could sleep this all of easily.

HEEEEELLLLLLOOOOO, it's your author BLU. sooooo, "CurlyCamwhore" made their first appearance, yeah?? what do you think will happen next :^ if you wanna talk or have any constructive criticism feel free to DM me <333 bbbyyyyeeee

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