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    Harry's eyes fluttered open. Last night's broadcast had got way out of hand. Many stunts were pulled, he guess he had too much fun with the toys he'd been shipped in his P.O. box. He did a full body stretch, letting out a feminine groan. Time to go back to nerdy.

    He walked into his bathroom, rubbing eyes tiredly. His house was semi fancy, I mean, his persona was "gay nerd" so he couldn't be too flashy or people would suspect something, or even worse, become fake friends who only wanted him for his money.

    He washed his face with a nice white wash cloth, taking a quick 30 minute shower too. He always woke up super early, so he could lollygag and do whatever he wanted. He was pretty bummed out though, his streams start at 10pm and usually only go till 11:30 or if his fans were lucky, 12am. But last nights stream had gone till 1am, and he woke up at 6am the next day. He was so happy that his broadcasting room had sound proof walls or else his mom might've came in there and interrupted his stream, telling him off.

    When he got out the shower, he lathered his hair with gel, making it look straight. It took a shit ton of gel, let's just say that. He put in his blue contacts which always made his eyes water. He walked out of the bathroom and into his walk-in closet. It was humongous. He went to his nerdy side and pulled out a button down shirt, a sweater vest, and some khakis. He hated this style. It made him look like some pervert from the forty's. It made him feel totally uncomfortable but it would make him feel even worse if everyone knew he was practically a pornstar. A more known one at that.

When he felt he looked dorky enough, he put on his loafers and got his backpack. He walked downstairs to find his mother, Anne, making waffles. "I know your stream lasted a little longer than usual, so I made your favorite." She said, smile and handing me a plate with three waffles and chocolate drizzle. "Thank mum, you're the best." His mum knew about his job, and it didn't bother her. He was 18, a legal adult, so he could do whatever he wanted and she'd still support him. And plus, he was making bank so-.

Harry finished his waffles in no time and walked out the door, saying a small goodbye and love you to his mum.

    And so he waited at the bus stop. He was the only one who waited at this bus stop, he guessed no one was as wealthy as him, seeing this was a semi-rich kid neighborhood. The bus finally pulled up and he got onto the bus, met with a glare from his bus driver and a bunch of mean looks from the students on the bus. But then one he dreaded most hadn't even gotten on the bus yet, seeing his super straight friends weren't bullying him fully yet. But only a few moments later, that slight relief faded away.

    Louis Tomlinson, his bully since year 9, strutted into the bus. Girls swooning over him visibly as he walked to the back of the bus. Harry was basically forced to sit near them because all the people that got on before him always sat towards the front, and Louis and his little clique sat towards the back. He passed Harrys seat, giving him the coldest look he could manage this early in the morning and throwing a wad of paper at him. "What the fuck? Was he thinking about me before he got on the bus? That must've been the time where he balled up the paper?" Harry visibly smirked.

The rest of the bus ride consisted of more wads of paper and maybe a wad of gum, which Harry wasn't fond of. There's no way he was walking around with a wad of gum in his hair but he also couldn't wash it out without wetting his hair, making it curly. Time to text Liam.

Harry: LIAM

Liam: HARRY what's goin on?

Harry: Louis and his little crew threw u piece of gum in my hair. It's either I look it in there or wash it out and have curly hair.

Liam: i say curly hair, theres no way id walk around with a piece of sticky shit in my hair

Harry: i mean, people wouldn't notice, right?

Liam: unless they watch you every night.

HELLLLOOOOOO, Hi i am your author. My name is BLU and if you ever need anything or have any constructive criticism please feel free to dm me :))) please comment and vote, it gives me so much motivation <333
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