Short Break

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I thought the characters should  get a break beside they deserve a rest. Some of them really need it.


"Okay everyone. We are going to have a small break before we head to bed," Rea explained before she slithered up a near by tree," I right now need to get your rooms ready, Eda and Darius you both are in charge ." She then slithered off. 

Luz was talking with Amity, Gus, and Willow, about a certain 'bad but sad boy'. "Guys I'm starting to get worried about hunter," Gus said as they glanced at the former petting his palismen. the latter looked very nervous but he tried to hide it with his closed off expression.

"He does seems to be always anxious. When we couldn't find any Titan blood at the eclipse lake, he actually started to dig his own grave so he wouldn't have to return to the palace empty handed," Amity stated not knowing that two people and 2 creatures were standing behind them.

"HE WHAT?!" Darius voice thundered. The group turned see Darius (in his abomination form), Eberwolf, King, and Eda (in her harpy form). Darius got everyone's attention by his out-burst. (Though he won't swallow his pride he deeply cares for Hunter.) 

"He tried to bury himself so would go home empty handed to his uncle the Emperor?" Darius growled protectiveness potent in every word. Eberwolf and King hugged Hunter who looked embarrassed by the commotion.

Darius and Eda started to fight on how to take down the Emperor. Everyone got out of the way of the small battle while Raine tried to stop the two to no avail.  

A dark purple blast of magic got their attention. Everyone turned see their Naga host annoyed standing next to a teenage girl with purple streaks and wear an gothic modern princess dress. "I knew my mistake to leave these 2 in charge. Thank Raven better head back to school tell everyone I said hi," she said to the new comer. 

"Will do." the girl-Raven- said waving good-bye. Rea then turned back to the group snapping her fingers causing both Eda and Darius turn back into their witch forms.

"Now I got everyone rooms done. your rooms will have three names on the door. I left pajamas in your rooms." Rea told them as they head to their rooms. Except for Eda and Darius who had to clean up their mess. 


In the boys room:

"Do you think anyone knows that we're gone," Hunter asked wearing a golden yellow t-shirt and cardinal pajama bottoms from his bed petting King who was laying on the latters lap. Edric shrugged not really caring. Gus was about to say something but he got cut off.

"No I froze time when I brought ya'll here," Rea's voice ringed through all the rooms," Oh, I misplaced 2 baby dragons so if anyone find them please let me know." The boys looked nervous after hear about baby dragons. 


Room Mates:

Hunter, Gus, King, & Edric

Willow, Luz, Amily, & Emira

Camila, Eda, & Lilith

Darius & Eber



I gave Raine their own room mostly because I don't now which room to put them in. If you know let me know.

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